In order to accomplish what goes on here, I need not only protect myself and those who are worthy, but I often have to protect complete asses who must be protected from themselves as they go off searching for the engineers of this establishment and when finding the false leads suddenly come up with manifestations of destiny in not taking the warnings or being intelligent enough to know that identities were constructed to gauge the x factor of intent.
Curse a Prophet and you become cursed. At least shut up and not bother a Prophet and the spider puppies continue to beg for out of their cage.
I mentioned Robert Heinlein in being a most interesting prophet from 1953 in being before Star Trek, he actually was explaining what a fool Gene Roddenberry was in his Mockingbird Project.
Mr. Heinlein was a Jules Vern in reality, but where his United Planet Earth and Federation came to be, was instead of the reality of Obama concentrated power, enforced by the unions, of the extreme rich and numerous poor carted off on cattle ships to be tossed to some God forsaken planet to be dispatched of..............one had Heinlein of the globalists Imperial feudal state of the 21st century being constructed.
I desire the children and the spider puppies to actually read something, knowing this was 1953, a generation ago, imprinted on the pages of Starman Jones, a teenager's book, in Robert Heinlein was warning that generation which became that damned hippy cult, exactly the trap being laid for them.......and the one you are in today.
The speaker is Sam, a former Marine AWOL in telling this kid, Max, that they were going to be arrested sooner or later, and the one chance they had was to get so far away from the globalists that even the police sent after them would be intoxicated by such ANARCHY, which is something American used to know as FREEDOM.
But best of all, the place still has a comfortable looseness about it. No property taxes, outside the towns. Nobody would pay one; they’d just move on, if they didn’t shoot the tax collector instead. No guilds—you can plow a furrow, saw a board, drive a truck, or thread a pipe, all the same day and never ask permission. A man can do anything and there’s no one to stop him, no one to tell him he wasn’t born into the trade, or didn’t start young enough, or hasn’t paid his contribution. There’s more work than there are men to do it and the colonists just don’t care.”
Max tried to imagine such anarchy and could not, he had never experienced it.
America is now this assylum Sam was speaking of, or Heinlein wrote of in 1953, in no one can farm, cut a tree down, drive, fix your house without violating some regulation. The spider puppies never have things get through their caged minds, but here we have the greatest work, surpassing George Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm combined in simple phrase explaining the danger of the thugocracy of feudal order, and for some reason the children never got it.
That baffles me, as Heinlein was printed in mass for decades, and you can find his work for a penny on Amazon.
Being cheap for now, I located a free RAR file of the book, which contained two books, one with a Russian insignia, and of course obtained the equally nice Deutsch stripper program to unzip the RAR file.
This is a one book file link. This is the Frog RAR unzipper. This is the wee PDF program to read the book.......sorry did not save my link, but that one uses MS Word.
I even was pleased to find a vintage Dell books cover photo to present all of this, as the original artwork was too Buck Rogers and later Starship Trooper stuff was just as silly.
In any galaxy though, the reality is.............
Too many spiders in my light flow light show in my browser just crashed. Just as well as my mind is on tiger lily things as if people do not get this, they never will in this captive zoo, and it is about time to whatever as whoever is going to come whenever, and the little spider monkeys will be begging for a new key to unlock their cage with the door wide open.