Joel 3:21; For I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed: for the LORD dwelleth in Zion.
Here this witness you carnivore capitalists, you crony capitalists, in what you have done to the American savior and her people.
God will avenge their blood for all of your assaults. He will balance the scales and not let the crimson cry go unheeded.
The oppressors will not have their crimes passed by nor wiped off the Holy Books, but will be visited in the reckoning.
You have built upon the Holy Foundation and made it a brothel, a whorehouse, a den of iniquity a dwelling of ill repute. You blasphemous one anointed in crude oil and bathed in the blood of his hands will not escape nor will your semen stained betrayal of the bed in the contract of which you dwell of 2012.
As in the days of the bronze pillars, pulled down and shattered, and the judgment of Riblah, so will this judgment stand in this shattering.
God is Spirit as are His Heavenly Host. Where will your high walls, your electronic security, your bullets your police forces protect you from that. Is not even your ilk magicians of the air in surveillance and attack?
Know this, that which was will not be, that which you savaged with now will ravage you. The Lord looked and saw no one to deliver, for she was afrightened and fled His direction, so the Lord beheld that He was the only Deliverer, and by judgment does He now come.
The rapine of the Virgin Daughter in making her a whore, you will not spend the money, nor live to see those who will garner it to invest in the Way of the Lord.
Set up your baal for he delivers not, bel bows down and nebo crouches in the natal blood of the asherim in sodomite filth. The work of your hands will not deliver, but deliver you to that judgment for God will cleanse the Innocent's blood with blood of His whetted sword.
Amen and Amen
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