It is vital in this must be understood on two points:
Point 1: Barack Obama wouldn't know what to do with a woman if he was married to one.
Point 2: You can't make babies while pumping dust.
Yes what does B. Hussein Obama need for 2012 to inspire the masses? Just observe the Herman Cain muff to the pony.
Did anyone care that Cain cupped a woman's vagina and she sought the advice of a 13 year old and Gloria Allred?
Not really, so as Bill Clinton so seared a nation, sex is not that big of deal, but as John Edwards proved, little bastards in your archives are.
Let's sing:
Little arrows in your clothing
Little arrows in your hair
When you're in love you find that little arrows everywhere
Nuff sing songs.
So Reggie Love is being forced out of the White House by Daley, and of course he requires a secret mission, and that is the perfect thing as he needs protection so he does not go Donald Young by Muchelle.
In reality, it is simple as Obama needs juicy, and this will be juicy.
So Barry sends out Reggie to Chicago, where Bill Ayers is just waiting around as he has no more Obama books to write except the Obama fiction of LEGacy.
Yes LEGacy is the perfect name for this, in Obama needs to father a love child as his race riots are going tits up with a disease signature of TB.
This all works you see........Obama sends out Love to Ayers, and Ayers is really good a raping Jew girsl, so he knows the score, and in that score, there is some not fat, ugly, thing in Chicago, as Chictown does have some good looking women in it, and they audition some blonde for a black attack on her.
As Obama is on the bus and pumping dust, meaning if you noticed his girls look like they were fathered by two different males and he was not either of them..........and only someone as blinde as Stevie Wonder would put the skin missile into the vulva silo of Muchelle............well Obama's phobia of women, just all points to the need for Reggie to fire when ready........as in when Bill Ayers drugs some Chicago blonde for the cause.
Not get this in the groundwork has been laid..........
Obama puts out the fiction of he had more blonde chics he was banging in his youth than Hugh Hefner.........yet not one ever came forward or was found.
Sure Obama is as queer as an English twit, so that is the answer, and just like his birth paper pop, he apparently has no sperm in the arsenal to do egg penetration.
So Obama has the fiction he likes women and fathers children, so that being laid..........
He just needs more than cum stains on Monica's dress.
Ok so get this point kiddies, it wasn't that Bill Clinton was cheating with this fat ugly white girl. It was he only let her suck his cigar and used his cigar to deep dive to smoke later.........when Americans want the juicy in full penetration.
I mean Bill Clinton the rapist just looked weak. You know he did in the wimpiest of ways. No wonder he lied about it.
Wouldn't a story of Bill pulling a gun and making Monica strip, and he roughed her up while talking to terrorist Arafat been more of a Kennedy manly thing?
Wouldn't the story coming out of Monica yelping as Bill said, "Bark like a dog!" as he mounted her been more appealing to the rough sex Democrats and women like Ann Coulter who want that to tame the bitch in them?
You just dribble your cum on some woman's dress, it just looks pathetic. Porno always has the hydrant of a man spraying cum all over her face or ass, and she is all going spastic and rubbing it around.
Bill had none of that, and that is why it would have been much more sexy like John Edwards is if he had hired Webb Hubble to father Monica's baby like he did Hillary's...........I mean the one Hillary had and not the one she has with Huma Wiener.
OK, so now you got it.
Here comes Love making a sperm deposit into some Ayers kittie and she gets prego prompto after an Obama visit, and this is the story then of the Obama love child..............pun intended.
Leak it to Ulsterman and Jerome Corsi will break it in it will be a real story, and lots of buzz and they do the work for the regime in promoting it.
Obama then after intrigue and denials of countless clues like David Axelrod being her attorney, and her living at Val-erie Jarrett's condo..........Obama comes out and says, "The love I had with that woman fathered this child and when the bill came due I will pay it".
Obama will be billed as the responsible negro in taking care of his platoon of welfare black babies........you can see Jesse Jackson trumpeting this call and the white liberal media swooning over this and cheering no aborticide took place, unlike Sarah Palin's and Bristol Palin's babies.
It all works out extremely well for Obama in constant press, and Herman Cain looks week as he never delivered home plate, and Romney looks limp in need of viagra as having Mormon license he only tooled the grill at home and never spread it around.
Now you know the secret mission awaiting Reggie Love, the fathering of the Obama love child to help his flossy Obama out.
The stage is set as Obama will cure race wars with a race for a piece of white ass...........he will be the lustful victim of his mum and pop.........and the title of the pulp fiction will be.
Cream of my Father

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