Is Iraq more stable? No
Is Afghanistan more secure? Not in the least in now Kharzi is speaking of joining Pakistan in a war against America.
Is Pakistan an ally to be counted on? Not with Obama blowing up military checkpoints and Pakistan threatening retaliation again.
Europe has been shattered and divided in major scale of what Obama intended for the Jews.
The entire Muslim world is now one of national despots replaced by Obama's community organized terrorists of Islamocommunism.
America is in literal stagnation and decomposing before the world's eyes. She is being raped by the cartels of her energy resources which are being shipped to the Chicoms.
The Chicoms are on the prowl.
Asia has no respect for America.
Africa is a festering wound which Obama can not lay enough blow fly eggs into for the maggot harvest.
South America is........a dope production area of Marxists.
Latin America is in utter ruin in not being safe for latino or gringo.
The greatest hope for the world in President Palin is in exile in Alaska, hiding for her life.
Russia is threatening overt nuclear war with America.
Iran even has patrol ships and subs in her sacred waters.
Name one thing which Obama has accomplished for any good?
Gays in the military will destroy the American fighting ability.
Obamacare is already rationing care and will ration death.
Obama energy policy..........looted money to green gangsters and gouging American consumers.
The American Treasury is bankrupt and monetized in a toxic waste no one wants.
America was a recovering patient in 2009 as the press reported George W. Bush had stabilized the economy in 2008 for 300 billion dollars. Obama deliberately strangled that recovery to change America into this welfare marxist state.
Obama literally took an assault victim which America was of the cartel money rapine, and dragged her from the hospital into the street to be run over again by traffic.
So what is all of this 2012 election thievery planned, when Obama's campaign is, "Well things are OK, but they could have been worse".
What is it in reality, 21% unemployment, 10% inflation, a hundred trillion now in managed debt which America can never repay, nuclear Islam...........
There is a reason America why Mr. Obama has been at the head of the economic ruin of your nation and why Mr. Obama took what was an over extended US military and ground it into dust.
There is a reason for the reality of the 2010 Gulf Sabotage by Obama for high energy prices and America held hostage. There is a reason for the 2011 flooding in the monopolization of American food supply.
America is now one major terror event, and two minor decapitations of Congress to install this Kenyan national as perpetual el presidente.
This is the Obama Let them eat Cake campaign of 2012 is just ok.
Mr. Obama should be running for the presidency of Peking, as he has been a most gifted leader in destroying America and enhancing America's global enemies on an ever growing list.
You really think an Obama who murders people in front of their children, polluted the Gulf, drowned out Americans, enslaved eastern Europe and uses Predators like a butter knife, is just going to not implement further steps against every single one of you?