I found this fascinating in I had posted this and then took it down..........and then found it amusing in apparently someone was in my blog and was leaving a message.
This is contemplative in intelligence in back engineering this, it would mean that someone had been monitoring what windows were being clicked inside the archives, as I never click them, but Someone I trust completely does.
Now following this, in the trusted Someone clicked on DRAFTS approximately four days previous, but the above screen grab greeted me four days later from drafts.
I know it does not sound like a great deal, but you will enjoy this if you follow the trail, because someone was who is very clever was talking to me without being rude.
Rude would be pissing on me in some common sort of way of nuking things or posting something in public about my bra size.
someone though did not do this. Instead they monitored who has been logging into the blog. someone then decided to talk to me through my own words. You will recall three years ago how Jeff Rense forwarded a blog I sent wondering what it was, because it was nothing but a yellow outlined sentence of my own post, specifically talking to me or speaking to me if you prefer Norman French, which I do, but when you have specifically speaking it is too lisp snakelike and difficult to say.
This is what I thoroughly enjoyed in the drafts was open to auto saved articles in which the top article was one exclusively on the hybrid computers monitoring all of us and how they cyber learn and track everyone.
Pretty cool huh in telling me I hit too close on above black information no one but a select few know?
Follow this now in the age thing in sending me a message about that, and how liberals are satans breed...........
Oh yes you can click on the above and read all of this as it is fun.
This is the fun part in the center which the eye would naturally fall to, there was the posting on vultures stalking me..........and ends with messianic morons as a little dig at me.
It is quite flattering to apparently have one's name tag turned over in such a clever way on one's own desk. For those who do not know the game, Edward Woodward long ago in a program called The Equalizer had a snotty little twerp at CIA screwing with Robert Lansing who played Control, jerking around the old man so to speak or pissing on him in public.
Woodward simply went in and let the twerp talk, and then told him to leave Control alone and when the question of what if came up, Woodward just turned the twerp's name plate over, meaning he was going to neutralize the twerp if he did not play nice.
Sure it could be all coincidence, but it is such enjoyable coincidence, because say an Obot threatens you or some Jewish kid threatens to take you out of this world, it is a thug incident.
But when you have someone invest a little time, revealing how really fun they are in being bright.........and you act stupid in not getting it, that is entertainment.
It should be comforting to all knowing that someone with like a Mensa IQ is not wasting it on watching stars and denying God. A real bright person actually is in intelligence and invested a few moments to swat at your's truly in already knowing my reaction and watching what a rodent does in the maze.
That is why getting one's life cleverly threatened is much more thrilling than an Obot trolling along not knowing the real intelligence people are manipulating them to the work at hand.
I would just say that the 11 million dollars Rush Limbaugh owes would have been more fun in I would have paid 4 million in taxes, had my 7 clear and that is a much more effective remedy than clicking windows in an archive..........well it would do allot except silencing in the God stuff and things.
Mockingbird has lots of money. Obama has looted lots of money, so money is really not that big of deal. They do book deals all the time and other such nonsense. It certainly is easier to follow the money than follow the drafts.
I do appreciate the message though as I do like intelligent people..........or intelligent cybertell as that would be remarkable in Terminator at Langley playing this game out.
Could replace Obama and have a real brain at 1600 Penn.
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