Unto Shem also, the father of all the children of Eber, the brother of Japheth the elder, even to him were children born. Genesis 10:21
In the above are the words which you know the world by, yourself by, and most readers will not even realize the meaning.
Shem is the son of Noah. You will know him by the name of races of people known Semites. Now before you roll your eyes and start thinking you know this is "Jews", just slow down child and learn something exclusively here for in Japheth, who is the brother of Shem, reside most of the modern Jews, because Japheth was the father of the Ashkhenaz Asians, who are not Sephardic or Judahite Jews.
For those who think that all Jews are swarthy types, King David is recorded as being "ruddy". That would be pink skinned and red haired like the Irish, and the Irish in greater part are Danite or from the Tribe of Dan in this bloodlines too.
Eber is important in this, as you will know him by another name of Habiru in Canaan or by the Egyptian name Joseph and his family were known by in Hebrew.
Yes Eber is Hebrew in dialect.
Ask yourself how the invading light skinned Eyptian Hykos, were also Semite, and took control over the dark skinned southern Egyptians, knew that the Hebrews were different?
They must have looked different from other peoples now didn't they?
Thankfully an Ashkenaz Jews by the name of Yair Davidy, who does not get all right, but does get the majority right has located Egyptian murals which show these Hebrews, and they come in a great variety of skin colors, eye colors and hair colors............exactly as the lost 10 Tribes do, in Americans being one of those Hebrew tribes.
See the Hebrews looked different, because they were a different group of Semites, who are different from Japheth or Ham who are the fathers of the majority of the Asian and African peoples.
As David is recorded ruddy, the name of his family is traced back the the Iraqi region in the kindred and father in law of Jacob, whose name was Laban.
Laban translates as "white".
Laban's two daughters were Leah and Rachel, and they indeed were white. The servant women who served them are not recorded in who they were, but they could have been olive, black, or brown skinned, as God indeed intend for His plan of Salvation to be for all peoples and not to deny any people the place He will for all as children of God.
So I never will allow any of this to be degraded into races nor into racism, but it does require addressing that the American people are Semite and Hebrew. The American people are as long as the immigrants who come here take on the national identity of Americans or Israelites in our God, our customs and our moral liberty, then it does not matter what race or color they are, for they have been grafted into God's vine in Christ as certain as the handmaids were of Leah and Rachel, as certain as David's Grandmother in Ruth and as certain as Moses second wife was an Ethiopian.
For that matter, Jesus by description was indeed a white person, with the characteristic pigment of the Israelites in skin tone, having radiant brown hair, and either brown or blue eyes.
The reason these Israelites were called the Sons of Eber in Hebrews, is because they definitively looked like Eber, and if one examines the other Semites like modern Germans, and Swedes, Norwegians, northern French, British, Irish, Dutch etc... one sees like Laban, they were this unique race of people who are as noticeable as Slavic and Russian peoples are, as are the Chinese, Manchurian and Cantonese peoples.
That is the horrid oddity in this, in the Rockefellers who funded Hitler, are Ashkenaz and were claiming an Aryan title which was not their's to claim, as they were Assyrian in the Germans and while accomplished, they were not the civilizing and redemptive line which God created.
God chose and blessed these Israelites to advance the world through and to bring Spiritual nature to the world.
These Americans, British and European peoples though have failed as much as triumphed in doing good and mingling it with fornication to the world in degrading themselves.
There is vast responsibility in this and it requires all people to disciple themselves which in turns creates a disciplined nation, so the world can see Christ's Gospel and the only Way to live in Peace.
Once you realize as an American that you are Hebrew, a status title, in your lineage is directly to the Patriarchs in the Bible, and the Chosen People for God to work through, it is one to wear with honor.
This is your heritage to uphold in the honor it has bestowed upon you in God.
I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;
Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
Ephesians 4: 1-7
Separate yourself out then completely from evil. Trust in the Lord for the Way He created for you. He has been in this project for you for thousands of years and you have a better Way in Christ
In these times, we must concern ourselves with being regenerated in the Holy Ghost, as no one can save another, and we are responsible for ourselves, and in the filth of this world, we must be cleansed daily as this sodom harms our Spiritual being daily in picking up the chaos and turmoil satan houses in the majority of people being used as that creatures tools to harm all in destroying God's plan and seeking to destroy each of you in God.
Protect yourselves therefore in the investment God has made in you. You are a Peculiar People and God has better for you, for you are a people of Promise, a People whose Kindred is the Christ, the Son of God, and you are a people of Royal Priests....and that is the destiny you are to be in Christ's Royal Priesthood.
May God keep His children from being led into temptation and delivered from all evil. In Jesus Name. Amen