Your Love is like God's own cure
It breathes me to life in that am I sure
Laying hands on in God's own cure
It brings me healing of that am I sure
I prayed for someone special from Heaven above
Someone who would understand this special Love
A Spirit of Life born in her own destiny
I prayed for only you to come unto me
Your Love is blessed in God's own cure
God's own cure that am I sure
A Gift of God's very own cure
God's own cure that am I sure
First you came on a glowing web page
That is what you get for trusting in God
Then you rescued me from this electronic cage
That is what you get for believing God
Now you are my star on this eternal stage
It is all about God's own cure
God's own cure that am I sure
It is healing in God's own cure
Blessings overflowing that am I sure
I need no one else
For this Love is true
I want for no else
For this Love to endue
I desire no one else
Because in this Love I came home to you
My skies were just dark in a starless sky
Then I looked up and beheld arisen you
A Light coming to me I do wonder why
Yet here you are blessed star to my rescue
Yes your Love is God's own cure
I needed a miracle and there you were
Safe in our Love that am I sure
A Love of Life which will forever endure
I no longer need to breathe
For you are my breath
I no longer need my heart to beat
For you have conquered death
I no longer need that is for sure
For you are God's heaven sent cure
It is all about God's own cure
Created in Heaven that am I sure
It is by the Matrons of Heaven
Nursing us to each other in our Love to endure
It is all about Love is the cure
You are my remedy in God am I sure
Certain of loving you, loving you I completely concur
A God Inspired Love for us to forever endure
You do not fall into love, in real love it comes from within, growing the other Spirit within your heart and bestowing all God intends in the miracle they are back within their blessed heart.
It should have been Good Medicine