Please ignore the earth's molten core does not fit all other examples in the galaxy........ Modern Science
It is always amusing to watch science literally ignore the literal laws of physics and geometry when it points to God or things their numbers can not reproduce, or numbers which prove their theories wrong.
The moon for example can not be, as it is too large to be pulled into earth orbit, and here she sits perfectly, at perfect distance, perfect shape, perfect size to form perfect shadows of earth, producing perfect patterns in how seasons form on this planet.
That is what is at the core of all of this science in while Mars, Mercury and Venus do not have volcanoes, when Mercury is scorching hot by the sun, as is Venus, and Mars is teld to be cold........well earth does have a molten core intact.
Oh and for those who say Venus has volcanoes, one can find the most hilarious of links in Google showing how absurd science is:
Oh yes we know Venus has volcanoes..............uh but we do not have any direct proof.
Yes I can promise you that Justin Bieber is madly in love with me, wants me as his wife, is ready to propose marriage and when he pisses oil wells pop up to save America..........I just do not have any direct proof of this.
Get some guy saying he was in time travel experiments with a Mars colony and Obama was there too and he is ridiculed, but get some scientists saying volcanoes are on Venus without proof and he gets a Nobel Prize.
This is from the same bunch who said Venus heavy atmosphere proved earth global warming. Gee flat ass wrong on that one too.
The reality is Venus proves nothing on volcanoes either way, but is put here to expose the reality that earth has a molten core, when it should not have a molten core, and there is no evidence of any cooling in massive fissures or a moonscape appearance in protected ocean areas.
What instead proves out is exactly what the Bible teaches in there was on super continent and in the days of Babel the earth was divided......not just in people and languages, but in continents.
That is why Antarctica is full of tropical vegetation.
It proves the massive restructuring of earth was not done in day, but the plates seemed to float on a soft magma, but at a speed where people who were still on those plates could not readily move off them without building ships.
It appears to have been at least a seasonal thing in the vegetation in the Antarctic, meaning the plates moved fast enough to not produce a second season of growth before freezing off, and froze off in preservation so decay did not take place.
Back to the molten core.
Even under the intense heat and pressure, earth should not have that type of core activity which spins on it's own and had a pole shift in metallic iron movement. The reason is obvious in Mars should have volcanoes then too still active, and if Venus does, then it reverts to the principle of Mars, Mercury and Earth, in Venus should have had an atmospheric clearing and did not.
That intense heat should have burned the atmosphere away, but it did not. Again another anomaly science ignores.
The beauty of that God maintained molten core close to hell is, the reality that it is an incubator which keeps the earth moderate in temperature of 50 to 60 degrees and with solar heating, earth is quite livable, providing of course earth turns like a hen turning her eggs periodically to evenly warm them.
Yes even chickens declare the glory of God in how He maintains earth, and yet all of this natural science is ignored. The reality the science in the Bible in explaining the earth declares the glory of God and the heavens reveal His handiwork is much the real science and the rest of this high paid buffoonery is grasping at straws.
Saturn should be scorching with a Venus thick atmosphere, but is cold, but the outer moons have coal deposits where coal we are told on earth only comes from swamps........no swamps on Io.
God is in character a prankster or humans would not have that quality of humor. He thoroughly enjoys sticking things in plain sight like hot Venus next to hot Mercury to show the miracle of life on earth.
Venus is the warning to all in if you play with fire you get burned and if you get too far away from the fire you freeze to death like Mars. Meaning one must stay with God as in that narrow venue there is Life and no other place is there life.
Are there volcanoes on Venus? It does not matter, as all that matters is there is life on earth when in science there possibly could never be.
It is all about God, is miraculous and that is the science of miracles.
agtG 264Y