Just turn out the lights America, as that torch on the Statue of Liberty has been extinguished with excrement in having it shoved up foreigner's asses.
On the one rectum, you fine Yanks put into office the most lovely polygamist family of Obama or whoever sexed up Stanley Ann and Madelyn Dunham, as one was a 10 month baby and rumors fly about the other mistress, but the reality is you know very well Bearick sr. was dick sticking into women for green cards and marrying more chics than he had cows to buy them with.
On the other rectum, you fine Yanks got that Mormon Romney, that fine man without a country whose family patriarch, Miles Park Romney, flipped the bird to America, so he could dick stick his harem legally down in olde Mexico in Mormon country there, to the tune of 4 concubines.
Romney's olde man, George, only jumped the border illegally as the Mexicans were in revolution and were throwing all the garbage out.
The taco in this and it is rich, is this Mormon trash pulled an Obama, in after telling America to f*ck off, they got wet back, and jumped into Texas WHERE THE US GOVERNMENT WAS FORCED TO FEED AND TAKE CARE OF THEM.
To translate, after dick sticking debauchery, the Romney whorehouse closed down, and then Americans who were moral, had to pay to feed this trash in 1912.
Olde George was born in 1907, so in December 1941, he was a ripe age of 34. For those who do not know that year any longer, that means that while other Americans were enlisting in the war effort like Glenn Ford or at least trying like John Wayne, George Romney in his college football physique was whoring for money in business while real Americans were dying for this wetbacks filthy lucre.
Adding insult, it was George Romney who started this foreign Obama crap running for office in slipping into America, as he ran in the GOP for Presidential 1968 or something. Nice that Mitt Romney, son of a foreigner, grandson of a traitor, actually is from a family that not only set the framework for the overthrow of the US Government, but also pranced around in creating Obamacare when Mitt was governor of Massachusetts.
Yes even Andrea Mitchell confirmed that Romney's wetbacks are illegals, but guess who but that fine Noel Sheppard was standing up for Romney in saying it was all legal.
You remember Noel Sheppard from Newbusters in being the pervert who joined with lesbian Camille Paglia saying that Sarah Palin liked political rape, because Palin was in politics. Nothing like saying women like being raped.
For once Mrs. Greenspan got it right........too bad she can't see illegal Obama.
The reality is that Mitt Romney is from a family who turned their back on America and Jesus to stick their dicks into women in a foreign country. When things got hot, these Mexican Nationals who the Romney's are, would not even fight for Mexico and their own property.
Nopers, the Romney traitors, then swam the Rio Grande, and became welfare trash and sponged off of Americans who were moral and had fought the major Spanish American War while the Romney's were playing "hide the weenie" in more than one wife.
Added to that is fine George Romney who let Americans die for America in World War II, while this wetback was making his fortune on their blood fighting Franklin Roosevelt's wars.
Oh but where was Mitt the warrior? Why there was the Vietnam War and his old man was serving in Nixon's cabinet.....hell George ran for President, so surely his patriot son would do something like John Kennedy did..........
Why no, little Mitt was hiding in France trying to convert French minds to Mormonism.........it was a huge task for little Mitt as the task took him from 1965 until the war ended.
If you think Obama has Wiki propganda, just look at this quote on Mittster Mormon on his war cowardice:
Regarding the military draft, Romney had initially received a student deferment, then like most other Mormon missionaries a ministerial deferment while in France, then another student deferment. When those ran out, his high number in the December 1969 draft lottery (300) ensured he would not be selected.
Sure makes it sound like Mitt Romney was doomed to server...and yet there old Mitt is without any military draft in his background.
For those who know of such things, the draft was still going on in the 1972 crop of high school boys were still getting their lotto numbers, but did not have to go.
So these apostate Jesus Haters and American Haters in Bearick Obama jr. and Mormon Romney are your messiahs and saviors eh there America?
Such noble roots you have in sex perverts who throw God's Law away to f*ck women wholesale, leach off moral working Americans, and parade around in other foreign lands hiding from American loyalty when duty calls, but making certain they whore their way into the American educational system while somehow having remarkable doors opened for them to make them rich while sitting on their foreign asses in America.
For reality, Obama is more eligible to be President of Kenya and Romney is more eligible to be President of Mexico as he Mexican and France once had Mexico.
For the record, America should not have trash which never gave up it's foreign allegiance by birth, came to America illegally and spent their formative years in fricking Pakistan or France.
Aye Chihuahua or is it jungle drum telegraph or French corks popping?
It is disgraceful real Americans in the degradation which has taken place in the Land of Patriots, Founding Fathers and Ronald Reagan and Andrew Jackson.
Raquel Welch is right, America is nothing but a bunch of God damn sex perverts and the nation is stuck raising these bastards.
agtG 301Y