what model school is this that teaches blacks to look stupid is appealing?
cock your head, get a dumb ass expression and look like you got a dick shoved up your gay ass.
This blog is sincerely looking for a black candidate, or I should state, that group of people who like categorizing themselves as Obama voters, the type who voted for him, fell for his lies, bought his books and display that nonsense in their homes or on their desks, and made this designer negro their definition of "success" so they just crawled into slovenness, as their boy Obama made it, so they would never have to be moral, be worthwhile or be American in any dream.cock your head, get a dumb ass expression and look like you got a dick shoved up your gay ass.
The reason for this candidacy now is as an American who did not fall for satan's deception in voting for Barack Hussein Obama, I now would like to sue for reparations in court in some Obama voter who still clings to this rapine and will be voting Obama again in 2012.
My suit which should be a national trend will not visit the entire national fortune of the Civil War invested to free people who were not even Citizens of America, but at that time legal property, whose costs in modern funds would be millions of dollars for each slave liberated, because in the Twin Towers on 9 11 and the wars which followed cost trillions of dollars, then an entire city in Atlanta, Richmond, Vickburg, along with entire states like Georgia receiving scorched earth, the reality is blacks owe Americans a fortune from the 1800 period which has never been addressed.
No my suit simply visits the modern Obama age, the here and now, the atrocities which I have had inflicted upon me by the black or the 70% white blooded and 30% black blooded American black in majority who likes to run from negroid terms unless calling each other n*ggers, when an African would roll their eyes at these gyrating mongrels of the Americas who receive their musical ability from the Irish jig, as one can examine all of Africa and find only foot stomping and crotch thrusting with drum beat, as the only rhythm they employ.
Yes my suit is for the Obama defined mongrel, as that is the definition he used to describe hisself and all "blacks" of mixed race.
For the record, my reparations are quite modest really as I limit them to my personal expense, and not that 15 trillion in Treasury theft nor the 100 trillion in insurance guarantees for Obama cannibal capitalists. Although that number would exceed Civil War reparations, but this is not about the money owed, but the responsibility of the black American voter.
The fact is Mr. Obama and his voters have had 10% inflation which was unnecessary for his 4 years. That means my expenses have risen 40% like all Americans on food, electricity, clothing, purchases from automobiles........well when was the last time you saw a 500 dollar car for the poor people in America, as the junkers are all 2000 dollars now as Obama cleaned America from cars poor people could afford, so in reality that inflation on cars is staggering too in double digits.
The reality is the black who put their identity on this fraud in Obama has cost Americans a great deal of money.......and that includes gas prices of 1.87 in the Bush43 autumn of 2008 which is now the Obama year of 2012 in some gas being 4 to 6 dollars per gallon.
So for gas, let us just say it is 4,000 dollars a year due to Mr. Obama sabotaging oil and pipelines for Buffett.
Let us figure it costs me 30 dollars more per week on groceries for Soros Obama food hording, which is 1600 bucks a year as I round up.
I will add an even 5000 thousand for vehicle prices, electricity and just things costing me more as my service people keep raising their prices due to inflation.
That makes about 11,000 dollars a year that the black Obama voter is responsible for in voting for this fraud and robbing me in their policies. So I desire to make clear, I don't want to sue Chris Rock the multi millionaire who acts like he is n*gger poor when all he is, is n*gger chic.
No, I desire to sue some Obama voter trash sitting in their affirmative action job, sucking the life out of some employer, thinking once you had black you never go back as that Obama magic is just an allure no one can resist.
That is the Obama voter I desire to serve with papers and demand my 44,000 dollars they have stolen from me as I want my money back. I never voted for high energy prices. I never voted for high food prices. I never voted for my electric to go up. I never signed on for junk cars to be through the roof in prices.
I want my money back.
I don't want 44,000 dollars from Oprah who would not feel it. I want 44,000 dollars from one of these Obama wretches who think they are safe and secure in their little Obama worlds. I want to reach in, shove a summons down their pathetic existences, drag them into court, make them hire an attorney and then in a jury of my American peers who had Obama steal their homes, steal their white wives as we all know after Obama the Hollywood sin of dirtying up women with black men giving them VD, stole their jobs, made them welfare slaves on unemployment and buried their dead sons from Obama wars, to judge this in a jury verdict.......as every single one of those people is going to be thinking, "I'm going to serve that smug ass down the street and get my reparations too."
So I'm looking for one of the Obama space takers to get my money back. I'm going to garnish their wages and make them write a check out to me every month, with interest and penalties, court costs, just so they do not forget that voting for Obama is something which is going to require them to pay personally.
I want their money which is only their money, because America bled and spent for them in wars and gave them rights over other Americans.
I want my 44,000 dollars back from this Obama 4 group of Obama trash voters. You folks made Obama your definition and did not give a damn about America and are traitors to America in you still do not give a damn about America, and worse yet, you have absolutely no damn shame for the traitor you are, the ingrate you are and the head up your ass asshole you are.
50 million Americans screwed out of 44,000 dollars and only like 30 million blacks. I better get my black found to sue before someone else drags the home boy into court and I'll be stuck suing Obama and waiting for his girls to get a job to pay his bill.
Any black Obama traitors out there looking to volunteer or are you too busy cocking your head looking retard and auditioning to put out your ass for dick......just like Obama.
agtG 331Y