Quote Racist Rock: When I see the Tea Party........You want to get rid of them — and the next thing you know, they're fucking knocked out. And that's what's going on in the country right now.
Isn't it just Obama thuggery in his ilk when exposed for the racists they are ATTACK WOMEN, DESTROY PROPERTY AND THREATEN A JOURNALIST.
“I was stunned,” said Mr. Mattera in an exclusive interview with Big Hollywood. “Tea Party members get called the worst things imaginable and still remain peaceful. But ask a big Hollywood celebrity to explain himself and the guy goes ballistic, wrestles the camera away from my camerawoman, chucks it 50 feet, and then challenges me to a fight.
Excuse me, but exchange the scene and one has Obama voters in Egypt raping Laura Logan in the same 3rd world violence gone Obama Wild.
This blog calls upon Federal Auhtorities to arrest Racist Rock for multiple felony counts of property damage, assaulting a woman and terroristic threats against a journalist.
All of this is the grave reflection of the Obama voter who thinks they are above the law in any nation and can drag people around, mass murder them and their followers after assaulting them, and then have Obama chest thump about the job well done.
THIS IS the reflection of Barack Hussein Obama in beating his chest about murdering Sheik bin Laden's corpse. A story now compounded in Rev. David Manning espousing the theory that Andrew Breitbart's murder was linked to information he uncovered concerning the Obama sham mass murder of the bin Laden Muslims.
Let no one forget that Obama declared bin Laden's DNA was the Sheik's days before it could have been. How did Obama know the DNA was the Sheik's before lab work could have been done in the murder time slot?
All of this points to the reality that the Obama voter in this black American classless group is racist and violent. They are either eye raping women like Obama did Mrs. Sarkozy or they are raping American in every possible way from Racist Rock saying blacks only get to do jackass voice overs in cartoons while whitey gets the human characters.
This is Obama racism gone wilding. It is what Lawrence Sinclair to Jerome Corsi have endured for years, as much as the Black Pussy Party threatening voters in Philadelphia and Eric Holder illegally suppressing the criminal investigation.
This is black criminality spewing across America and it is sanctioned by this regime as much as Mandella in South Africa in ethnic cleansing or Mugabe in Rhodesia in ethnic cleansing.
It is disgusting. It is crimes against humanity. It is 3rd world Obama and it is the secret delight of very Obama black voter in America to rough up the other races in assault, battery, rape and murder, just because it appeals to their hearts.
This is what Chris Rock and every Obamaling is at heart. It is darkness, it is evil, it is thug rule and it is anti American as much as Obama is not American, but a border busting illegal bastard.
This goes on because no one says anything. This blog will not remain silent when these Hitler's come picking off those who protest one by one.
Sean Penn stated he has a female Ann Coulter doll he burns the gentials on with a cigarette.
What does Chris Rock do? Jack off to pictures of a beaten Lara Logan?
The mark of an adult in a Republic is their earning power and knowing how to control themselves.
The mark of a thug in a democracy is their seizing power by despot and going out of control in being too juvenile to be trusted with power.
This is the Obama voter. This is Chris Rock, a racist, a thug, a bully and the poster boy for black Obama Wilding.
It is past time these National Socialist thugs have their day in a Nuremberg Court!
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