It is absolutely Nazi in the concentrated camp of black assault upon George Zimmerman and his innocent family, in this American from swing state Florida, has now had wave two of Barack Obama terrorism after Mr. Zimmerman survived the wave one in Trayvon Martin attempting to murder the protector of his community in George Zimmerman.
Let us get a few facts straight in this, before the call for the International Court to arrest Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder, along with thee indictment of thee entire black race for their Nazi silence in attempting to finish off George Zimmerman after this thug hoodie terrorist of the Obama regime failed at murdering this innocent man.
George Zimmerman had been protecting his community, due to a large number robberies by a crime spree of blacks.
He stopped his vehicle, got out to look at a street sign when Trayvon Martin rushed him from behind and attacked him.
This over six feet terrorist, of athletic muscle, then beat Mr. Zimmerman causing an injury to the back of his head an broke his nose, as terrorist Trayvon attempted to murder Mr. Zimmerman.
It is Mr. Zimmerman's screams and pleas for HELP over and over which one can hear on the 9 11 recordings, but not one person came to his aid.
Doing the only thing Mr. Zimmerman could do to save his life, he drew his legal firearm and shot this terrorist with more authority than Barack has ever had in his string of chest thumping murders of dead Muslims.
In this Mr. Zimmerman has had to move, fleeing for the life of his family and himself. In response Barack Obama and Eric Holder have sent the federal police to brow beat Mr. Zimmerman, while Obama's Black Panther voter intimidation group have put a 10,000 dollar bounty on the head of this innocent American.
What Mr. Obama and the vocal and silent black race have done is murder incorporated in complete 3rd world homicide like Nazi's beating Jews to death.
This is a matter for the World Court as the Obama hoodies like the Nazi SS are attempting to murder this Anglo Hispanic, after making him a hunted man and refugee in his own country.
George Zimmerman mentored black children. The black children's mother is apparently the one black in America who actually after being inquired of, made a statement for George Zimmerman, stating he was not a racist.
This blog advocates the complete criminal and civil court case structure be initiated against this black hoodie terror mob led by B. Hussein Obama and Eric Holder. An attorney should file charges on Barack Obama, Eric Holder and the Black Panthers for terroristic threats and attempted mass murder of the Zimmerman family.
An attorney should file multi billion dollar lawsuits against B. Hussein Obama, Eric Holder, those black hoodie NBA Florida thugs, the entire silent NAACP and the co conspirators of the black race in America, who have been as atrociously complicit in this terror as Muslims were in backing 9 11.
The National Association for the Advancement of COLORED People. It is a reality now that the NAACP is only interested in black domination and brown colored peoples can be murdered for a bounty on them like Muslims contract for Jews.
George Zimmerman is alive today by God's Grace and the Second Amendment. Barack Obama and the black race though have contracted to murder Mr. Zimmerman. That is crimes against humanity. That is exactly what Sheik bin Laden and Col. Khadaffi were guilty of.
Barack Obama belongs in prison for another attempted murder. The entire black race should be made to apologize to George Zimmerman and his family for this Nazi, community organized, National Socialist order of mass murder.
This is the Obama regime with pitchfork mob terrorizing America in another black revolution thugocracy of Obama jihad.
Never again means never again, whether it is Jews being exterminated by Obama and his Berlin Ashkenaz benefactors or George Zimmerman and his family being exterminated by Obama and his hoodie pack of terrorists.
ABC Quotes:
After talking with Zimmerman, Oliver says he's convinced that it came down to a final life-or-death moment: "At that point, either George or Trayvon was going to die."
Oliver said he believes the voice screaming for help on the 911 tape is Zimmerman's.
"George Zimmerman suffered a broken nose, and had an injury to the back of his head, he was attacked by Trayvon Martin on that evening," Sonner said. "This was a case of self defense."
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