I hear your voice. Listen and know the Light from the darkness, Good from the evil, Life from death.
"and then there were two". One of Adam in Seth, who was begat from the longevity of man in Methuselah, his death shall bring, in the Spiritual line of the Sons of God in the Sight of God.
The other one by Adam of Cain, who was begat of murder in the theft of man's existence in Methusael, God Who demands his death, in the carnal line of the daughters of men in the blindness of satan.
In Methusalah, his death would bring the Judgment of the deluge, and in Methusael, God would demand the wiping out of the carnal race in the flood.
Both lines of Adam, would have the Seth / Shem or Semite lines of Spiritual Life and would have the Cain or lines of spiritual death, composed in their temporal lives.
The Lamech line of Life would have the names of God's Law and Gospel. The Lamech line of death would have the names of chaos and bad report.
There would be line of Truth and Reality in Shem in Noah would mean "rest and comfort" and the bastardized generation in Naamah, the sister of Tubal Cain (darkness) in "beautiful and pleasure", which are the lie for while Noah and his family were birthed in the womb of the ark upon the waters, Naaman in the false beautiful pleasures of the world were buried in the grave of those deep waters.
Lamech of Cain would have two wives, Adah and Zillah.
Adah, would be said that Lamech luxuriated in here body for that was her name. Zillah would be the means of baby production.
From the two women would come "light and darkness" in Adah would birth, Jabal and Jubal.
Jabal would father tent dwellers who kept livestock. Notice, these were not Shepherds but dwellers who used animals.
Jubal was a musician line. Notice, one again not Psalmists as David was the essence the lyrical Shepherd of the Lord.
Jabal and Jubal were the false "light" of the pleasures of this world without God.
Zillah would birth, Tubal Cain, a blacksmith of the darkness. His wares were weaponry as the Cain line was murderous in offense and not defense. There was not "to defend life with a weapon", but to steal life with a weapon.
god's servant took two wives, light and darkness. The light brought forth the shepherd, who was the father of tent-dwellers, and herdsmen, and his brother was the musician, who was the father of harpists and pipers. But the darkness brought forth the blacksmith, the forger of brass and of iron, and his sister was pleasure. (Note it was the god of this world in satan not as the interpretation of Jewish scholars.)
Lamech of Cain, 1 man and two women, bring forth two men and 1 woman in death.
Lamech of Seth, 1 man and 1 woman, bring forth 1 husband and wife in Noah in Life.
Lamech of Noah would die at age 777 before the Deluge.
Lamech of Naamah would speak of 77 sons or generations to come from him when Lamech actually when "blind in this world", actually shot by arrow Cain as he came along, thinking he was either predator beast after his herd of cattle or a robber, as alerted by his grandson.
This Lamech would see the line of Cain ended in 7 generations from the murder of Righteous Abel Whose blood still called out from the earth. In this, Lamech would kill the original murderer in Cain and in Tubal Cain, by clapping his hands, kill this grandson for a false report, that Lamech blinded by the world could not discern.
From the Book of the Wars of the Lord, The Song of the Sword:
Then Lamech said to his wives:
- “Adah and Zillah, hear my voice;
- Wives of Lamech, listen to my speech!
- For I have killed a man for wounding me,
- Even a young man for hurting me.
- If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold,
- Then Lamech seventy-sevenfold.”
In Lamech, is the foundation of Good and evil, by the split lines of Adam in the Sons of Light in Seth and the daughters of men or "darkness" in Cain.
Lamech actually means "slave or pauper" in it's Cain imprisonment, but if the name is reversed it means King or Conquerer.
Lamech, "Captive", "slave", "pauper", as a reversal of the letters in the root Melekh ("king"). Also suggested to mean "Conqueror" or "powerful"
This is the mystery hidden in the Seth and Cain lines, for in them is the Genesis of God taking clay and making it Royal Priests or satan taking that clay and enslaving it to return to the dust impoverished without Salvation.
This is what the meaning of Cain murdering Abel in what was couched in sin and satan. Cain judged that God should be pleased that Cain brought an offering of the ground in grains which die there as God should appreciate Cain's generosity.
Abel accepted God as Lord of him and brought a gift born apart from the earth in the living sacrifice of blood in livestock, humbly accepting that God is Thee Source of all Life and it is Abel who appreciated God's Grace.
In the Genesis of the Garden, Adam and Eve, brought death into a world of Life. Sin in Cain would murder the Life of Abel, but the mother in Eve would resurrect life in Seth to bring that original promise of Life back into the world for God to redeem through.
Eve would bring sin into the world. Adam would take that sin on himself to join the woman in death.
The womb is darkness and brooding. The penis is piercing and ejaculating light. Together, they bring forth Life.
From that same darkness and light, Light and darkness emerge under the same name of Lamech in the choice of the Promise or the curse.
Baby, you see the mystery as the Fraulein does, in there is one name in Lamech, but two inheritors in one of Seth received the Promise of eternal life ejaculated into His soul and the other in Cain had sown into his soul eternal death.
It is the will of choice in the moral or the immoral. The mystery in the foundation of the name Lamech, and the choice of the chess and the soccer, the dark and light pieces, the white and the black sphere.
It is all in the Name and the name held here, if you discern to look at the Name here and the name captive there by the lords and priests of the cartel.
Listen and know.
agtG 258
Lamech father of Noah
Lamech of Cain
Books of Eden
Mormon Master Mahan
Book of the Wars of the Lord