No one ever examines the Truth, that the worst progenitors of tyranny, totalitarianism, communism and cartel caste have been 4 White House occupants in the communists, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman and Barack Hussein Obama.
There four oversaw teh end of colonial guidance of 3rd world barbarians, and set them free to rape, be robbed and murder themselves.
The world was a perfect empire before Woodrow Wilson. The world was a perfect colonial world before Franklin Roosevelt. The world was perfectly set to be liberated before Harry Truman. The world was liberated before Barack Hussein Obama.
Yet in each case, the world became a more savage planet after these communist occupants of the White House started managing for Roman Empire rule.
Examine the reality that if Hilter and Tojo had been left to their rapine, the world in Eurasia would have been managed by British, German and Japanese empires, with nothing changed in reality from the repression which was already operating in Russia, Africa and sub India.
The Americans would have held the ocean fortress and all would have been a Pax the majority would have survived.
The reality is Harry Truman enslaved eastern Europe, turned over China to communists, India to communists and bled America to death in Korea. This was liberated under Ronald Reagan, and Barack Obama clamped back on the chains.
Dwight Eisenhower who oversaw the coup de grace to the Germans, so the Russia Bolsheviks would rule east Europe in the genocide and rape of the German Christian peoples, saw his monster he inherited from FDR and Truman in warning the world of the Military Industrial Complex.
Do you know what that is? Is if FACISM. That is National Socialism that is Nazism. That is the guise of Barack Hussein Obama as the Reich Stag Kenyan installed to rape the American Virgin for the central European powers.
The reality is that while this blog was first to correctly define duh Furor Obama as a Marxist Bolshevik which he is, he hides in the uniform of the goosestepping Nazi of his Berliner boy masters.
World War II was not a war of liberty, it was a WAR FOR DEMOCRACY which is SOCLIALST MOB RULE BY FDR AND TRUMAN, against German National Socialist rule against Russian National Communal Rule.
There was no liberation involved when one is keeping the world safe for democracy. What the hell kind of hell is it when you are installing a mob rule of rapists, robbers and murderers?
Do you think the Nationalist Chinese felt safe murdered by Truman's communist Chicoms? How about how 3rd world India digressed to under communism after being ripped from the British Empire? Look at Africa set free to be the robbery continent of the world against blacks.
Do any of these populations look better off for communism, including all these Muslims now being forced into Islamocommunism by the Obama jihad for the cartels rapine of Muslim oil?
Barack Obama the Niggazi in America of Afroid genetics, is hinted at to Muslims in being Islamic from his Osseiran bloodlines which rule the Mideast.
Obama in jungle fever is offered up to women with psychological problems in feeling like they need to be punished, so Peggy Noonan gets her dirty sex on, but women soon enough find out they do not like feeling like whores.
Obama is offered up as the peace maker to the peaceniks in Nobel prizes and the blood flows even more profusely.
Obama is portrayed as an environmentalist and has fractured more oil for his Buffett and polluted more than any one at 1600 Penn Avenue.
Obama is said to be an intellectual, and there is nothing intellectual about him as the Charlie Rose set have figured out.
Obama is the bandito against the gringo for Mexicans, and Mexicans die by the bushel more and find heavier chains on them.
That is the promise of the Obamanazi as was exposed here, but the reality is Obama talks a good Hitler game, but Obama is not intent on making trains run on time or an economy fixed. Obama is about Marxism in destroying wealth in the masses, so the mob is enslaved and Obama can rule forever.
This is beyond the heinous voting class of the nigger which FDR envisioned with poor white and blacks tied to the Democratic party. This is Obama rigging elections and perpetually installing a ruling caste which serves International Communism.
If you can comprehend the historical reality. Hitler was at war with communist Jews who swore to destroy Germany. Stalin was at war with communist Jews who were trying to rule Russia. Obama has taken the Jewish vote which installed them, has them in their own nuclear ghetto to be dispatched as he pets Mort Zuckerman types like Stalin did into thining that the KGB outside their doors is there for their protection.
Barack Obama wears the Nazi suit and does it with deadly Trayvon Martin effect. His skin though is of the master race who installed Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalin, in the masters of the European money cartel in the Ashkenaz are the ones who pick and install rulers.
Barack Obama is Marxist to his last cell. It is what he serves and bows to in satanic order.
The world has been engaged in global feudalism in thee entire 20th century and in the 21st century this Kenyan son of the Osseiran slave trade has been set loose to transfer the wealth back to the European coffers, to bring jihad in taking over Jerusalem as the world capital, and installing one more despot for Obama to bow to in the anti Christ when he appears in Europe.
If not for the few years of Ronald Reagan, the lights on this would have turned out two decades ago. Obama is the one who turned out the lights so the illumination will be on a man of Europe who will change seasons and times, work miracles and slaughter the Christian world as World War IV manifests for Armageddon.
The cartel perverts all find this Obama stag rutting around with a bell on him amusing, as they get off on bestiality and cross race sex in their compound yard. It amuses them like live Egyptian sex shows in Cairo before the war.
Nothing like inciting the mob to wait for Lara Logan to show up, and then have her raped to watch it live and play it over and over again on digital.
Oh you did not know that entire theater was on cameras and that liberal Lara was progressively recorded and it was oh so hot to watch it all come off live?
Yes Lara Logan was the first finger bang in the Obama 2012 election campaign for reporters......Gabby Giffords was the first finger bang for liberal political whores.....Trayvon the terrorist hoodie Martin was the first finger bang for the nigger class to scare the Bill Cosby Niggazi class to vote Obama.
There is an incident for all the groups. Perhaps you will be the one finger banged for your group.
I digress.......
Obama though does have his little Nazi suit he wears, but the skin suit he has on is Marxist to the bone, and he is demonic to the soul.
Barack Hussein Osseiran is the smiling, kinder, gentler face of rape, murder and genocide that makes National Socialism not Nazism and makes communist organization not communism which makes Personality cult not demonic rites.
Thee absolute worst enslavement and destruction in this world has not come from names like Hitler, Tojo and Mousillini. The worst has come when political shills of International Communism have installed into the White House their manchurians who have allowed a worst case to follow in Stalin and the coming anti Christ.
That sexy Obama........just what does Baby think about him ?
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