Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Obama Pandemic Test

Just so you know, well the readers here know, but you my children need reminding.........

As you are distracted by these ignoramuses taking Obama's bait on gun control, a more nefarious  final solution test was conducted and tracked in December 2012 and January 2013 and it has only been exclusively covered here in matter and anti matter exclusives.

There was a time in Art Bell somewhere that any nut could say anything about the powers that be and would be on Jeff Rense or Alex Jones headlines. Yet now this blog when providing facts of what is taking place, is somehow never asked to appear on George Nouri's COAST TO COAST to alert America.
Yes Bob from area 51, big foot, aliens, name it, and yet when Dr. Germ cuts loose a new West Nile mutated strain in 2012 in daytime mosquitoes, the entire fringe press is just somehow silent on it all.
Nouri gets Obama have no idea what is going on any more in this land, because the things that were Soros spun just a few years ago which did not take place are now being engaged in literally.

The December 2012 and January 2013 terror event dealt with the deliberate spread of a influenza event, created in a lab, based in part on the Spanish Flu, with an odd splice mix of fast mutating viral agents that kept re infecting the host to degrade and respread the virus, along with key elements of the Obama 2009 Flu which was a biological weapon that involved "cotton mouth". The current virus has a "loose end" tag in the DNA that created intestinal cramps.
That never takes place in the two strains of influenza as it would kill all the hosts, so it points to a lab generated viral agent.

In noting the above, the viral agent just did not escape in an accident. The evidence is clear by the mass spread of it, that the population was mass exposed to it. Mail inoculation was the common carrier with secondary sources.

What was taking place was simple and it is what I have warned all of you Charlie Daniels blow hards lining up for gun protests, and that is the final solution is not to separate your guns from you, but to separate you from your guns.
The regime now has access to Ronald Reagan assets which they can eradicate segments or masses of the US population at will from Star Wars frying you to germs. The same spread of bio warfare and nuclear warfare technology to al Qaeda has been taking place when Obama handed over Libya and Egypt to his terrorists.

I have warned you that they do not really care about the guns. If you rise up, they can zap your asses in your mob from 200 miles up in concentrated or select fire. That is not the problem in controlling you children.

That is what the viral test was and you should be paying attention to this Obama pandemic virus as it was a test.
If you have moved them to do a late stage test with a designer influenza virus, that cost a great deal of money to create, test and then distribute as this is a new spliced germ, they consideration engaged in to unleash genus biological weapons under the cover of an "accident"  or a terror event generated by some Mormon lab upset about Romney.
You must get the point in if it is blamed on terrorism, it will be on a segment of the population they intend to neutralize.

So this soaks in, a viral agent would not have been released alone to herd people into flu vaccines as it did not work in 2009. This was a deliberate test of how readily a viral agent could and would spread to the mass population. Dead people sort of negates the need for gun control as the regime has mass controlled by population by rigormortis of the trigger fingers.

What fascinated me in this was Tennessee was the last state to really be infected by this Obama pandemic. That would be one of two reasons. Either they were testing safe zones and cut offs as a fail safe or for some cause and effect reason, Tennessee is a natural non spread zone.
Either case, it was noted in the testing and states that were last will be first and slower rate spread areas will be inoculated to increase rate of infection or ROI to sound technically important when I wear my little germ coat and safety glasses.

I digress as I do not want you fantasizing about me as this is serious stuff and not Hollywood in Mira Sorvino looking hot as blood gushes out of Ben Afleck's eyeballs.
I doubt that was a movie, but you get the script.

That should be enough of this exclusive in matter and anti matter for you rats in the maze as testing was initiated and completed with data, and you were distracted by gun control.

Yes just keep snapping those photos your pretty chica selves. It helps the jack offs who are grabbing your photos at the bunker and it prints you on facial recognition. All is well in America, as Obama rules and no snot wiping advice was offered by Naps Napolitano for this Obama pandemic test.

The wicked world we are imprisoned in.

* The plume rate did not match the model exactly that Baby generated with the apes. They were pleased with the test, but then not is all plum on the island.

Plum Island - Bio Warfare HAZARD! (Pt. 1) - YouTube
Mar 30, 2011 - Uploaded by ConspiracyUnited
In this video, Jesse Ventura digs up information on Plum Island. ... Secret Biological Weapons (Improved)by

This started at Lab 257 work, but I just told you it was not Plum Island. This is the shadow lab, had deep cover and full cooperation from the underling police state when it showed up for display.

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