Thursday, January 24, 2013
That smell of Death
In noting that Matt Drudge has caught up with this blog's posts from 4 years ago in noting the attraction that blow flies have for Barack Obama, some concerns do need to be addressed in all seriousness.
This fly on Obama is akin to the blow fly group, the maggot fly the "shit house fly". It is a fly which is attracted to excrement or carrion. It is a fly of disease like cholera. It is a fly of significance and has been reported on here.
I do not state this to be crude, but this fly is attracted to things which stink and not to sweet smelling things. I have always had concerns about this as in Chisholm with John Wayne, when Pat Garrett said that Billy the Kid had the smell of death around him.
The world since 2009 has seen what the blow flies around Obama have brought in the piles of human carrion.
My concern in the signs is what does this fly really mean from the Lord of the Flies.
I have written of this in most children do not comprehend the name of that title which featured little English boys gone native sociopaths in putting a pig they have killed on a post, and it is covered with flies, as a little boy looks up at the Lord of the Flies...........that you have read that name if you are Bible literate, as the god of the Philistines was the Lord of the Flies in Beelzebub.
I do make jokes about things of this nature to make points, and am currently being bothered by a fly in writing this which has crawled down my shirt that I do not find a coincidence, but the reality is as I now watch this fly buzz off and bump into things (not a blow fly but another genus) is just what scenario is going to be worked out as Barack Hussein Obama attempts to become Abraham Lincoln.
Meaning in full context the reality of in psycho "wishes and dreams to come true" what if someone wanted to become Adolf Hitler or Ted Bundy. What would that mindset take on in persona? We have seen this type of thing unleashed in others, and even actors playing rolls will become quite deranged.
Will a Lincoln persona conjure up past ghosts literally in demons who will start the process again which no one would want as America does not need a repeat of Ford's Theater as that would do nothing but harm America for years to come.
Things happen for reasons even if the modern world discounts them. I have stated in the Mexican War that the US troops saw an American eagle before the battle and took it as a sign and they indeed did win over the odds.
The nature of things of God and demon does show forth in signs, and that is what is troubling about this Obama sign of flies gathering about him again.
It is now connected to firearms, a Constitutional crisis and Mr. Obama putting on Lincoln's hat.
I would consider it a bad omen as all things with Obama have been for others. In the past when flies gathered around Obama, piles of other people started dying by his hand.
None of it is a joke, no more than this fly landing on Obama's 3rd eye of clarvoyance. It all has meaning and it has all happened with purpose.
I hope for the safety of Mr. Obama as has been stated so he will be indicted and answer to the charges he is guilty of. Nothing else is acceptable.
This is not a white dove lighting on Mr. Obama. It is a fly of message though.
nuff said
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