that Queenie has been workin' her emancipation for Uncle Abe for quite some time
I applaud B. Hussein Obama and his script writers, as they have even outdone sociopaths to a level of "Americans are idiots and we can tell them anything".
The first level in this was the lovely Muchelle Robinson Obama AKA M.R. Obama who we were told how beautiful, gorgeous, Paul McCartney crooning Michelle sexy this 8 year old trapped in a 50 year old cotton pickers form.
It was all strange to the normal mind, as it was like MR had won the Miss Beauty Pageant and instead of solving world hunger her prize request was for all to tell her mirror mirror how lovely she was.
Yeah MR was the ugly witch in this bizarre children's tale and all of you story readers were looking at Sleeping Beauty Sarah Palin in knowing she was the babe, and Muchelle along with the husband, just had to make Muchelle the babe on the global block.
That now has even not been enough for the Obama's as Muchelle tried desperately to be Diana Ross for 4 years.............yeah you probably should not Freud that one in what Barack gets his balls bouncing on or what Michelle got her boobies bouncing on in priviate in Chicago both of them liked the Supremes supremely and ............ick.
Now though Barack in press conference said he the Obama's were likeable and could the smoker in the GOP Congress come over and play with his cards.
Look, I did not write this scipt and never made this up. Obama wanted males who put things between their lips and suck on come over to his OVAL OFFICE in order to play with his DECK.
Sure it was double entendre by Obama, and you saw it on display when Muchelle rolled her eyes at the playful Boehner and Obama bandying about things, to see if the MR would sign off on the playtime.
MR of course responded with "You are going to replace me with him???? I don't believe it!!!!"
So now you know the psychological conversation which no one else has exposed........blah blah blah blah blah.......and blah.
What is odd though to me, as it is odd, were the Obama's in the parade viewing booth. Obama was doing a white man or Asian dance there.Muchelle was tryig to be a rock star ho. They were recreating the Clintons beach scene of long ago of the "happy couple".
Then there was head bobbing Queenie who appears like Sloven on a bread and water starvation diet.......Queenie has no black in her, as that head bob was all Peking.
Sloven just sort of lays in there and not a whole lot goes on......she still looks like she is auditioning to push a mop for a living.......maybe that is why MR wears that mop hair chop.
So this degrades then into ABC doing kissy face stories as the Obama's pose, jig as Chins and head bob.
Yes they really are likeable I guess........reminds one of the square freaks from the 1960's who were not with it, to quote their generation.
What came next in the Obama transformation is..........the media started running Mockingbird feeds of the Obama's are now the example of blackness and not the Huxtables in the Bill Cosby fictional family.
Do you get that?
It is not enough for Obama to .........well be Jesus, Reagan, Martin, Bill, Abraham, Mahdi, know the list. No man, Obama and MR now they want to replace Bill Cosby and Felicia Rashad, as the new fictional American family.
Do you not get the hillarity in this?????
You got Birther Obama, with more birth abstracts than a border busting Mexican along with Social Security numbers..........adopted by every continent.........goes by different name than what he is in AKA..........his old man blew dust......a dock worker knocked up the whore Mum from the Philippines....adopted Indonesian.......foreign aid student................I stop there as Obama is pure fiction.
Then there is MR, who has this thing in her panties that looks like a male thing. Then there is that black thing.........the woman's closest slave relative is like from 2 centuries ago.....she is a Norwegian RobinSON..........
Then there are the Obama daughters who look nothing like Barack or Muchelle.......but more like Scottie Pippen from the Chicago Bulls and Stevie Wonder from the Detroit Motown.
The Obama's are fictional and now they want to replace their fiction with another fiction which is what America once desired.
The Obama's are now the Obamubbles.
Do you now see how absoutely insane this is? No the Obama's do not get the joke as they are nuts. The people who scripted this for them find it a riot and can not stop laughing at their stage act and the American audience watching all of this dumbfounded........well at least the ones who are still in their right minds.........the left mind has left the building with Elvis long ago.
I wonder what comes next in this dicatorship? Is Obama doing Caligula fairy dances in the theater room already inviting Jake Tapper over? Will Obama now start entering places with HEY HEY HEY as Skinny Albert?
Is Muchelle next going to be Princess Diana? Is Queenie going to be...........Marilyn Sloven going to be Betty Boop?
The Secret Service has to be watching this Four Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest and start every transmission with BEAM ME UP SCOTTIE.
Thing is Diane Sawyer and Bob Scheiffer actually signed onto this and think that Boehner and the GOP are the nutty ones........well maybe Di and Bob figure the willing duped are more dangerous than the dupes Obamas.
This is just all too Twilight really even for me as it is like sitting in an LSD bar watching the bullets fly by and say hi.
nuff said 234
PS: For you Obama voters so this soaks in, could you imagine if FOX and George W. Bush had announced that he was Martin Luther King jr. and that the family had now become the best example for a family than the Beaver Cleaver you would have hauled W in to the nut ward and rightly castigated FOX in not knowing Ward and June were not even real?????
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