Thursday, April 18, 2013
Save Newtown Save Africa
Coulda Woulda Shoulda
Save Newtown Save Africa
This is in response to Tanya Vomit who appeared on Mike Gallagher chastizing Mike on his Mic that "Coulda Woulda Shoulda" on Newtown was the racist problem of the GOP and that something had to start somewhere to stop future Newtowns.
This is exactly what the liberal Senator stated on CNN that while his gun grabber bill would not do a thing in stopping Newtowns, "You had to start somewhere".
This blog joins with these NeoProgs for Obama in something must be done to stop future Newtowns, and it should not just be one dimensional, but a cure for many ills.
The Newtown Bill this blog calls for "You have to start somewhere" is to have the Congress pass a law to stop all Newtowns at the very source of all of this and that is the American Afroid in being the basis for all this violence in America.
Look, let us face the reality that blacks were imported slave labor. They have never been since the McCormick industrial revolution on the farm, been anything but a drain on the American economy as they have no work.
They inhabit the criminal ranks, prisons and they murder each other, because there is no work for these emancipated slaves and of course, that means the work they do take now is taking work from white Americans, brown Americans and yellow Americans.
We can either take the women out of the work force to give jobs to people, or we can return the blacks to Africa as "you have to start somewhere" as Obama is importing 40 million more Mexican slave laborers and America can not afford the trillion dollar blacks in prisons, on welfare and Affirmative Action jobs.
This drag on the eocnomy no doubt caused that poor white boy to be framed as the shooter at Newtown, in if he had employment he would not have been playing video games, having psychiatrists dope him to nutso status and running around with people who shoot children in the shooter was not employed either.....except by the regime as a stooge.
No sense in getting into the details, as Mr. Obama does not care about details, but the facts are that blacks are slaughtering each other in violence from Los Angeles, to Dallas, to Chicago, to Miami, to New York. These Afroids are killing each other and murdering America, so in they are the problem at source for Newtown, let the law ship them all back to Africa.
This blog has great sympathy in this for the Afroid and the black. So in that, Mr. Obama is depopulating Africa in disease and wars, as his cartel buys up all the resources. What could be better than all these American Afroid, those Afroids in the West Indies, all be returned to their homeland, to replace the 40 million African dead slaughtered by the Africa Holocaust.
This is a win win. America has no more Newtowns as blacks are not taking jobs and welfare from needful white, brown and yellow people, and, Africa is in need of blacks, so in being repopulated, all is going to be fixed.
Just make sure Obama's German Heckler and Koch does not ship in guns and keep the South Americans from shipping in machetes to Odinga's folks to chop up people, and all will be well in Afirca.
You can not beat anyone to death with a banana, can not stab anyone with a sweet potato and can not shoot anyone with a squash.
America could of fixed this at the end of the Civil War. America would have fixed this after the war but McCormick had not yet created his farm implements to replace blacks and horses. America should of fixed this in 1968 by having Dr. Martin King lead his Afroids to the African Lands they were birthed from, but their relatives were too stupid to run away from the more advanced blacks there capturing their people for the slave trade.
If the "start somewhere" is a reality that the NeoProgs are interested in, then the reality that violence in America is due to Afroids being a drain on culture in the welfare prison criminal state that Obama manages to steal elections in America at 98% voting.
This bill should have no exceptions, and start with Clarence Thomas who is a favorite American of mine, but his silence over Obama is well the German silent affirmation of Hitler in his crimes.
So if all the blacks are settled back to Africa, then these Walt Williams and Thomas Sowell types, can educate their brethern and sisteren, to higher ideals.
It is time that the Afroid be given their calling in resettling the depopulated areas of Africa created by Obama's cartel benefactors. Give them a cow shoulder bone hoe for farming, a few bags of seeds and a tarp to keep them out of the rain........and a magnifying glass to start fires to cook on........all green things, and no weapons so they will not be murdering each other like Philly and Chicago.
Everyone wins and in this everyone is safe, as this is about no more Newtowns. All of Newtown stems from Social Security Number Connecticut one has mentioned that Obama is a foreign person, who has been busy as a Designer Negro taking jobs from white people like John McCain and Mitt Romney. McCain and Romney then displace others, who displace others, who displace a growing pyramid of people not employed in the lower ranks, and the next you know is Social Security Number from Connecticut in Birther Obama is the cause of Newtwon in that poor white lad instead of being employed went nuts.
So let us all join liberals in doing something about this as we need to start somewhere. Where better to start than the source......many sources like Southern Poverty Law Center hording millions of dollars, should have that money confiscated and returned to returning Afroids to Africa to save Africa and save America from no more Newtowns.
Let us all join and be united in this calling for the American Afroid.
Think of Chicago, Philly, LA, New York, New Orleans, Miami crime free. Think of prisons empty of millions of Afroids. Think of a trillion dollars saved in welfare. Think of white, brown and yellow skins working at jobs blacks are not working in, and making America productive.
Yes freeing the Afroid from America saves Africa and saves America.
If we really want to stop another Newtown, then the 98% voting block for Obama in Afroids must fulfill their right of return.
Save the Newtown children by freeing blacks from America.
.............I guess the debate is not on the underlying factors of removal of God, morality, families and a well gunned state population deprived, with no jobs to give people hope, as the real Obama reality in his welfare state, sodomville and his messiahship being the guns are the scapegoat in this social study proplem.
Wonder why no one else brings the realities up.