Thursday, June 27, 2013

Mortician Anthony Kennedy

Psychopathy in the betrayal of a nation is nothing new when it come to the sodomite. One can see all sorts on the right from Dick Cheney who have no Christian morality when it comes to children of their loins in casting aside God in loving a perverted daughter going to hell.

In the case of the Supreme Court, the reality of Anthony Kennedy's obsession with the fag right upon inquiry goes back to a female soddenite relative of his who he feels guilt over.
While Kennedy appears never to have made sport of beating up gays as a youth nor in discriminating against them, his overthrowing of American morality is based upon a psychosis he is obsessed with in winning one for the lesbian dead.

Yes this relative apparently committed suicide and Kennedy in this mind warped "justice" has decided that by destroying marriage in this world, he will somehow make up to a dead relative he was fond of.

For those who have sympathy for such things, this type of mental delusion can be placed on all types of sins or hurts that each person wants to make up for.
Shall we as is coming legalize the rape of children, because you feel bad now about keying the pedophile's car?

Yes let us import another 40 million illegals, because you and your sister held down the latin maid and raped her just like the neighbors did their latin.

How about let us give animals full rights, because people treat you mean Mark Levin, and animals costing this nation billions of dollars which should be invested in futures for people in the present employment, should be how we work things out.

Anthony Kennedy is a mentally disturbed person. It is why he keeps saying he is in the right wing, where morals are, but always is slumming with the liberals where immorality abounds, because Anthony Kennedy in his past wants to show he is tolerant now and is making up for his childhood hurts by trying to be accepted by perverts, because the perverts in his family were not rightly accepted by society.

So now in Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter you know the mentally disturbed background of these Kennedy types on the court, as it runs to the two lezbos, well three as Bryer dabbles in sodomy and Ginsburg is just..........engaged in cunt sucking from a female as her husband was no good in bed and would not eat her ishy snatch.
Good Jew boys don't do that and it would have helped if Ruth had bathed.

Where was I?

Oh it was at the nuff said part as am wore out in all of this and I'm just taking the last train to Clarksville as the pariah head is eating the body of people in America.

Quote me on that.........

The pariah head in America is eating the body of moral people in Amendment to death.

Lame Cherry

Mark Levin reads from his meandering books quoting himself, but no one can ever figure out what his lilt is saying in 3000 words were one sentence would suffice in his utopianism, statism and what else that bald head injured that naked brain too much in thinking it is intelligent and can communicate.

I know bold talk coming from a Cherry who writes so next generation that only the Inspired get anything out of this blog.

nuff said

Yeah I really mean it.

nuff said.
