Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Jinn Bear

My children, in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter to interpret the signs, wonders and omens, all have missed and have been set before you.

It was not a coincidence the bear which was seen invading Washington, DC. Upon TL mentioning the story to me, I jumped to the conclusion that this bear was an omen concerning Putin's Russia, but as the Holy Ghost began generating in me, the Spirit of God whispered in me a reminder in my fatigued mind of something He has been drawing my attention to.

NET Website
  1. Black Bear Roams In DC, Days After Red Panda's Jaunt
    NPR ‎- 4 hours ago
    Now there are reports that a bear was captured in Washington, D.C., Wednesday, prompting (mostly unserious) concerns of a possible ursine ...

The answer to this is in Daniel the Prophet in readings the Holy Ghost opened me to.

Daniel 7:5

And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.

Daniel saw 4 beasts in the world. These beasts were the 4 empires of the world in Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome. The Roman Empire will revive one more time under the anti Christ in the years ahead. That is what all of these machinations are about.

My readings were drawn to the second beast, being a bear, and the Persian Mede Empire which destroyed Babylon and under Cyrus the Great returned the Judahites, Benhaminites and Levites back to Jerusalem to restore the Temple for Christ's return, as He would have to be born in a Jewish nation to fulfill Prophecy.

This DC bear signifies the entity in the Oval Office which comes from Babylon and was loosed by the Shia Muslim mystics as was exclusively reported here for the their Aryan or Iranian independence with the Nazi. This Jinn released assisted the Nazi war effort in Muslim lands.
It was sown into these United States to replace the Elvis exist of Birther Hussein Obama.

This Jinn in the sign of the bear, meaning the Persian communists, will offer up the Bethel of America in New York for destruction by the bear.

While in Daniel, the 3 ribs signify Babylon, Egypt and the Greek world. in this the ribs are the feminine form as Eve created from Adam. The Persians will strike New York once, but three times in striking.

The red panda mentioned in the blurb is communist China will assist in this strike and the black bear signifies in physical presence this will be the American Oval Office originating this, but in spiritual interpretation, it is the Persian Jinn occupying that office.

Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

nuff said

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