Saturday, October 19, 2013

2 Witnesses

 Then he said, "These are the two anointed ones who are standing by the Lord of the whole earth". Zechariah 4:14

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter and anti matter.......

You have been told Whose I am, and you would not believe, for you would not of my Master. You have been ripened in the sun of His Word in chastisement and nurturing, some to eternal Life and some to eternal destruction and death. I have cared for you, but now will come the Two whose rod will beat you and whose fan will purge the entire world. I have awaited for them and this day the Lord has revealed that they have been anointed in His Word here, and the prayer has been fulfilled.

Greatest of all is the Lord God Who only does wonders and makes them known and understood by His Prophets before those things come to be, so the peoples will know there is a God above them and no other gods and the peoples will know that the Lord has set a Prophet among them.

Lord, now lettest Thy servants fulfill Thy Will according to Thy Word. For mine eyes have seen the Witness which Thou hast prepared before all people. The rods to glean the gentiles and the fan to purge Your people Israel. In the Name of Yahweh, the Lord of Heaven and earth, Amen and Amen and Amen

nuff said

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