Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I will never sing up for any Obamacare mandate

If you missed it, the mic did not like the Fang Jinn in the Rose Garden. It made a most metallic tone. It did not do this with any human there.

The POINT to the entity in the Obama regime known as Barack Hussein Obama.

There is a point in this about "AFFORDABLE" and that means being forced by the regime to buy Obamacare.

What about someone like Lame Cherry who does not have a dime for insurance? Insurance could be all the "quality and affordable plans" in your "lower prices", BUT I DO NOT HAVE THE 100 DOLLARS FOR INSURANCE, which means 1200 dollars PER YEAR, which I do not have.

In being forced to do this,  I can not do this, so therefore I will be made a criminal as more FINANCIAL PENALTIES will be put upon me, for violating my rights in what I care to do with my life.

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, I do not have a penny to put toward your "affordable care" as it COSTS MONEY I DO NOT HAVE.

I will not sign up for your law. I will be like others made a criminal for just being alive.

I repeat I will not sign up for this, now or ever.

I say NO to you.

For you 800,000 government leeches not getting a paycheck. Welcome to my world which you did not give a damn about as you sucked off my taxes I am forced to pay for your high Obama wages.

I will never sign up for any Obamacare mandate. That is my stand as I have said it will be. I do not have one penny to spare for any insurance or mandate. If this is so affordable then mandate all the money in phone, computer, gas and whatever that money to fund my "insurance" as you are bleeding me dry already.

I will never sign up for any Obamacare as I have not a penny to pay for it as you have stolen everything from me already.
