Monday, September 16, 2013

Operation Code Name: NIGht City

This Aaron Alexis has nothing to do with what is being looked at. He was marked from the start in this and the missing black man is a minder.
This is connected to the triggers of Chive On, in Chris Dorner.

This came out of the Eric Holder NSA cell, but Holder was not aware of what was taking place in this. OCREEP was not involved.

"They" tracked this person of interest in knowing his mental background. He was not drugged, but was jacked up for this in the anger issue in his background, as he once fired a round into his ceiling because a neighbor was being noisy.

What I am getting on this is, this has nothing to do with Putin, Syria or Iran. This is pointing to a preparatory event for something else transpiring. It is why Congress and all DC went into lockdown.

What is the undelaying of this is some study by an insular group, which is represented by one of these individuals Holder tapped for his cell at NSA. If you recall the things posted here about those Obama monkey ads in racism and those horrid big white chompers in purple lips for tooth whitener which made no sense, what took place with Dorner and now this Alexis is part of this, as all America has been in trial underpinnings of mass sway in black violence and white reactions.

This is a pet project in the study of how to trigger black military individuals to become mass assassins. If you remember that DC Sniper of that odd incident involving blacks, it is part of this remedial base study.

I find that part more interesting in someone in the power elite has been allocated resources to do testing on Afroids in a life fire experiment, and apparently are accomplished in what they have triggered in proving a black can be as zombie murderer as any race when right protocols are introduced.
Certainly the "next phase" which this was unleashed for in training the public mindset is of interest as it will target the affluent as these are high paying jobs, and those behind this as the SEALS in maneuvering their slaughter, have an anathema for the Navy. What I am receiving on inquiry is it has to do with a bar fight with Naval personell in the past in which they got thumped.

This was a live fire experiment which makes no sense unless on is studying the psychological manipulations of a genus of humans in the Afroid and the directors of this have an antipathy toward the Navy for personal reasons.
This drill is preparatory for other "events".

I did not expect this level of personal bias in overlapping operational structure in killing several birds with one stone.
There are two female researchers involved in this, dirty blondes with several males and they are getting off on these results.

Not Obama voters, odd in point to Libertarian. Why they vote at all

One of them is married and needs her house painted from Maryland contractors who visited a particular Face Book page..

Nuff said

agtG *****

TRUTH is an entity locked in a maze which can be tormented to bleed for spite, but is necessary as she makes known what their conjurers can not find from the father of lies.
It is why I am not murdered, but allowed to play the Prophetic keys in the guilded maze.

Lame Cherry

Yes I meant guilded

Don Carlos

I was reading about Don Carlos.

No not some Spaniard Don, but a Florida teenager named Don Carlos of both Spanish and Irish bloodlines who was quite an American back in the 1840's or so when Florida was all wild stuff and murderous savage Indians.

See it all started out in Oceola, or Powell as he was known, came lurking about the settlements with another Irish lad who was bent on freeing all the Nigs and giving the Indians the scalps of white folks, in this laddy's name was Rochford.

So Oceola lied who he was and spent the night at Judge's home, and the sisters of Carlos were there and the Indians made off in the night.

In the meantime Rochford had the hots for the lovely sister named Juanita after a few days, and proposed all sorts of things, but Juanita said, "I am not going to quit my home as I have not lost my heart to you".

Rochford then made off in a sulk for the Indians again, where Oceola was leading the terrorists.

Was all really wild back then in 100 US Soldiers were slaughtered by the Indians after a treaty was made, and in that Juanita was out riding and got kidnapped by Oceola and hauled back to terror land.

Oceola must have been an interesting savage as he did not rape the girl, as she was a teenage girl, but instead wanted his kidnapping to be civilized in her to agree to pedophilia to make it all proper.
Juanita though being a good American girl would have no part of it.

In the meantime, Carlos was with a bunch of rescuers and Rochford was in the lead of the rescue.
Carlos was quite macho and bravado for a boy, and was always on about shooting and killing people who betrayed him. Well an Indian showed up who stole a horse, and then apparenlty kidnapped Rochford on his rescue mission, and when the whites rode up, Carlos rode up fast and after telling the Indian there would be no more of this treachery, shoved his knife into the buck and killed him.

Rochford was all for keeping the buck alive as he could be a hostage, but I started wondering about a Rochford who was all Indian rights and living with the Indians, and having desired to put his totem pole inside the lovely Juanita, if this Irish smarty pants might have had a hand in all of this from the start as Carlos from the start suspected Rochford of being the kidnapper.

Frankly, I am at a point in the history I do not know the outcome of it, but I like this hot blooded Carlos in plunging knives into Indian terrorist with blood gushing out and telling the adults to leave the buck as there were more important lives to be saved.
Just something admiraable about it all as the other Irish boys were all wanting to go look at gardens with the girls, when Carlos had the man stuff to do in looking at dogs and the cannons.

Interesting in this is the Europeans had all these high minded ideas about terrorists, but after being almost murdered a few times, as it  took a few times, they were not quite as partial to Indians as it all started.

Don Carlos was a real fine American boy though. Always having all the answers and telling the adults what he would have done if he had been there in organizing searches and rescues as things just degraded.

I doubt Rochford is found out, if he was guilty, but hope he is, as it would perfume the air of the story to have Carlos plunge his knife into that Rochford, as I fear some turn in this in Rochford "rescues" this Juanita and then gets to put his penis into her out of gratitude as her sickly Irish daddy is about to expire, and who better to take over the Castle than some Irish bloak who was freeing Nigs and offering up white heads to Indian knives.

I would have faith though that Juanita if she smelled a rat after being caught in a trap would plunge in her own knife to the Irish Rochford, as she was the sister of Don Carlos after all. Just something about Americans in you just like them. The like dogs, horses, gardens, killing things plant, animal and savage, and they do it all fair before plunging in the knife.

No  guile or treachery allowed. No kidnapping virgin vaginas for pedophilia made legal by consent and no intrigue, just plunging knives.

I do hope Carlos Kearney produced a whole passel of little Dons and Senoras who populate most of Florida to this day. It would be comforting to know Spanish settlers who  tamed the land and American Irish who took it away from Spanish and Indians framed it all into one nice little Flower bundled state.

Yes Don Carlos Kearney, what more could one desire in a teenage boy out rescuing damsel sisters and plunging knives into things.

Get that killing enemies out of the way early so you are not squeamish about it as an adult and as an adult you don't think about it, as you already had that pleasure.

Yes to be an American and have no pretense about looking civilized when surrounded by savages and their protectors trying to look civil in their condoning murder and rape.


Code Name: White Wing Dove

As America is being shot up at the Navy Yard, Rush Limbaugh is busy expounding upon 18 trillion dollars was looted from the US Treasury......yes says the world in the Obama bribe bailout in the staged economic collapse of 2008 to install that foreign agent, but be real in it was all American.......and if "they" admit to 18 trillion the number is closer now to 33 trillion looted and put into cartel accounts.

I will caveat at this in, this was not all "Jew banking" money, as Lehman and other subordinate Jewish interests were wiped out by the bigger interests in this scheme run by the Ashkenaz financiers.

So to expound upon this..........

Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, the turd, pontificates about how bad this is.........and yet it could not be that bad "as there would be soup kitchens" as his blonde daughter he is married to consoles him on the sofa over all his screaming at the television........

Ah earth to Rush Hudson, America is full of soup kitchens and it is called FOOD STAMP WELFARE and it is called STOCK MARKET MONEY DUMPS FOR THE RICH.

The reason you did not see Dirty 30 conditions, is because a portion of these trillions were used to keep the poor masses fed and watching television at home, so as not to riot, and to keep the rich people from knowing how dire things are, in money dumps into their stock portfolios so it all appears America is making money.

Almost 4 dollar gasoline and milk prices reveal that America is in an Obama Super Depression, even if ivory tower Rush Hudson can not see it, no more than the rich non donors here who constantly steal information to look informed.

What the turd needs to stop lying to people about is Rush Limbaugh was money dumped like all rich people in the sub prime Ponzi Scheme which was designed to cause all of this. The reality is Rush Hudson Limbaugh AND EVERY ONE OF YOU RICH PEOPLE WERE ALLOWED TO KEEP YOUR LOOTED MONEY by this additional 18 to 33 trillion dollars money dumped into the system to destroy the Middle Class, but to keep the poor from riots and rebellion with the rich living on cake.

Rush Limbaugh like the entire Boehner to Obama regime to all of you non donors are all part of this Leviathan cancer which ate America. You can pretend how patriotic you are, but the reality is you have money which was stolen from Americans which destroyed America and what was the free western peoples. It is all gone, and no matter how much you lie to yourselves that "things are good and you had no part in it", you are responsible.

Now for the place I live in the future, where is where your dead bodies are being gnawed on by dogs in the street.

Russia, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Venezuela.........what is the thing all have in common when they crunch came? They eliminated their wealthy class as they were a danger to the regime system. When the crunch comes to America, it is not going to be shooting the poor, but it will be the silent slaughter of the rich.
Go ahead and think you are going to be able to run to Paraguay or France, because they will not allow your money to follow you no more than the Chinese can get a yen out of China.....yeah I know the currency.

So the Limbaugh propaganda acts like he had absolutely no part in the destruction of America, when he destroyed talk radio for his benefactors in Mockingbird in the centralized blood sucking status of his scripted programs. He was paid millions in a shell game which bled radio dry in concentrated markets......and where did the money come from? Yes it all came from the coffers of debt run by the Ashkenaz Rothschild banking schemes to impoverish nations for their overthrow and control.

This turd Limbaugh is what this entire Paperclip control system is about. It rewards the fraud propagandists to distract you while it strangles the popular girls on point in making certain the money and the message never makes it to the masses.

Rush Limbaugh must have thee most dense geezer and squat at home audience of Stock Market welfare tramps to be so out of touch with relatity to suck up this kook aid he spews out in his Too If By Tee in this golf lounge lizard.
I wonder at the no remorse of these stock market welfare types who are part of the economic rape of America and act like they are innocent.

The fricking US economy has been dead expanding at barely 1 percent for 5 years. Inflation has been 11 percent. That is a loss of 50% of the economy and these stock market trollers all think that "the economy is fine"?
Sure it's fine when workers get nothing for cost of living and the cost of living goes up 9 more percent a year. It is beyond bogus and it is beyond delusional. It is beyond time that all of these people start taking responsibility for their part in all of this as that money came from America's grave and they benefited from it all.

For the reality, America could be at 50 cents per gallon gasoline as in Ronald Reagan's time, if her own energy was just produced and gouging was not allowed. It is bogus all this nonsense about cost of drilling that has been put out. They inflate prices in order to hide behind the reality that oil is being inflated to destroy free economies.

Just think about it you dolts...........think for a few moments in if Saudi oil was flowing out of the ground CHEAP at 25 cents a gallon gasoline and those same wells in the North Sea........the American Gulf.....Texas.......Alaska......and deep earth oil wells in Russia were all making money on the same Brentwood pricing, and those wells never shut down, but numbers were capped until prices could be inflated as was always intended, then the reality is production of crude oil was uniformly profitable at the Saudi base price, no matter what the bullshit was about deep sea or oil drilling in America costs.

See you will never hear this, as the oil barons fund Limbaugh and have this all sowed up, like all these monopoly pricing gouging the masses, while the rich get their welfare payments on Wall Street.

It will not be the great phobia of "higher taxes" that Limbaugh lies to you about though, it will be the the reality of what Stalin, Mugabe, Castro, Chavez and whatever is the Fang Jinn then, will be exiling and exterminating you.
The rich are usually too stupid to flee and end up in poverty and curb kill, as the money holds them in place too long and they never prepare.

I detest liars and frauds and the swindlers who prop up Limbaugh and the Obama regime from realtors spiking housing prices, the oil barons spiking gas prices and Wall Street bribing shareholders in their last meal.
There is no difference in any of them from the left or right as it is the same feudal system in operation producing the propaganda.
I keep on this witness of Truth now until I suppose the regime reaches in and does more than changes my passwords on internet access. By that time you richtards are going to have the regime reaching in ending you.

I have to write these posts on a word type program, because the cursor freezes and things disappear as some people have started noticing has been taking place in their correspondences as noted here.
You will notice as I always point out that Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and whatever never have experiences like switchboard problems nor glitches, because they are the Temple Whores.
Just because you are too dense to notice the surveillance you are under, does not mean you are not being probed non stop. Just because you are a millionaire or have your high speed internet on demand does not mean your time is not coming. You are just being lulled to sleep by Rock the Cradle Limbaugh and your Wall Street accounts.

What I would appreciate was going off grid as would be my intent with 350,000 dollars, and then a few time a week doing my alerts from a public facility to alert you of things and then disappearing.
In dreams, I have found a few places of defense which would do my mentors proud as I recognize lay of land defensible positions by instinct..

Odd how the one you rich people have smugly though you did not have to donate too, has now become the place your entire wealth is staked on, and without the voice here, you will be flying blonde.

It was all hauntingly familiar...........

Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks Tribute White Winged Dove ...
Jul 16, 2013 - Uploaded by Maximum Tribute Bands
This is the premier Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks Tribute called White Winged Dove! You will be stunned ...

Limbaugh is too arrogant to know or is too Judas Goat to inform you, that it is not higher taxes coming AS THEY ARE ALREADY HERE, but the feudalists are gouging it all back in inflation.
You rich economically retarded dolts with your big investment accounts have not figured the game that INFLATION has already robbed you of more than you took in bribes. It is all resetting before your broker eyes and you are clueless.

Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......sometimes my babies and brats the operation is not exciting or sexy as they do not desire the mob to pay attention, so they bore you with it and it is only that mournful tone in the brier patch alerting you that the dove in the shadows in warning you of more to come.

No appreciation though, as you pay your brokers, pay your lawyers and pay all the money whores, but why pay Lame Cherry for telling you what took place as it is only a dove song.....not the Mockingbird notes you think is a bird of profit.

....and DC state police say that 2 other shooters may be at large.........probably like Gabby Giffords, Sikhs, Sandy Hook, Joker..........and will just be one shooter again, unless this is a conspiracy for a much more Putin prize.......

Wearing military-style uniforms...

agtG 223

Hoisted on me own Putintard Shipyard

Yes Virgina there is a Putinclause, who circles the glove to give bad girls and boys AK 47's to go naval hunting.........

but first an amazing miracle took place this morning, as while I slept the password for internet connection was changed. Yes psyops is a most interesting psychological tool in attempting to wear out a brave off, and the settings change.
Where is a CBS skirty girl reporter when you need her to have her lights flashing on and off.

Meanwhile back at the shooting gallery.

I really do not know if Mosaad affiliated Matt Drudge is correct in this being a "rampage" as under 20 dead and wounded is hardly a rampage like a rampaging flood in Colorado HAARP killing people, or like Fort Hood was not a terror event with Nidal Hassan and Girly Cops honored by Muchelle Obama blasting the lift out of Fort Hoodies........

Meanwhile back at the sort of rampage.

We do not know how many shooters they are, but we sure do know there were 7.62 x 39 casings found shooting I suppose those FMJ Kremlin rounds, as we all know that Kalashnikov's are the first choice of Navy seaman and waves............

Oh dear what can the matter be
Oh dear what can the matter be
Oh dear what can the matter be
Hiding under my desk and I have to pee

They promised me a war with Bashir Assad
But Putin came in and tried to be Lord God
Why oh what can the matter be
Hiding under my desk and I have to pee.........

I always feel better when I sing.

With the entertainment out of the way, we know that the BATF and Explosive things tracks all AK 47 purchases. We know that with DC in the title that every inch of that yard is under satellite surveillance to the postage stamp size 24 hours a day. We know that this is an official government building of the armed forces, so of course it is wide open, no security checks, no scanners and of course any person hauling around a 3 foot long weapon with a 2 foot long banana clip is not going to be noticed, even if he brings in their laundry or their harp case, as everyone brings their dry cleaning into a Defense Department building or shows up playing the of COURSE THERE ARE NO SECURITY CHECKS GOING INTO A HIGH SECURITY DEFENSE DEPARTMENT BUILDING.

 Naval Sea Systems Command is the largest of the Navy's five system commands and accounts for a quarter of the Navy's entire budget. It builds, buys and maintains the Navy's ships and submarines and their combat systems.

Where was I in this, as of course this is all fantasy in it could not happen, as it is near impossible to purchase an AK 47 without having BATF and Explosives giving one an anal exam....yet we were informed this was an AK 47, and the sniper nest was the balcony of the 4th story Navy house, and it conveniently overlooks the cafeteria talk about a great design in the Navy built an entire building with sniper's nests.

It is pretty difficult when Mockingbird propaganda can not even get their facts right in the source flow like after 9 11. First it is one person, then it is three shooters.....then it is two shooters and one holed up. Gets to looking like maybe there were three shooters and maybe two of them were Second Amendment Navy people armed and trying to stop the shooter and the local state police murdered them by mistake..........

We might never know in this, until we get the fabricated bullet hole data leaked out in magic bullet 40 Smith and Wesson fired from 30 caliber AK 47's.

Where was I?

One again repeating that one can not get into an airport without being screened, and yet there trots in a "bad shot" with an AK 47 into one thee most exceptionally secure repositories on the planet.

One might think this might be some white guy of Russian background, as the Russians are mocking the Obamerica in this, who had pro Muslim sympathies and might even taken trips to Moscow where he bathed in the stream where Putin pees.
Yes that might be too Chechen Boston Blow Job, but watch this early data as intell linked Washington Times is the one reporting on this, and NBC is fueling the cops being shot and the Washington Post in propaganda is muddling thee effects of it all.
Amazing is it not that the first reports already were pointing this to a Russian made assault rifle.

It appears Mockingbird is attempting to build a story already written.......I would dislike this blog blowing the mysts away as in Boston and they having to because this is another Eric Holder run operation by his cell in NSA to have to change the player we are running out of pressure cookers and Chechens.

Where was I?

Something of course is infinitely wrong with this as Court Houses have scanners, the Pentagon has scanners and TSA airports have scanners, but someone 8 pounds of steel just went through the scanners at the Navy Yard.........sorry Virgina, and I mean it like vagina, I don't believe you caught VD off a cucumber in the produce sextion.

All I wanted was a nice quiet day after Spiritual warfare all night and my password changed in someone trying to keep me again from keeping you all from going off the Pied Piper edge to the abyss.
You rich children just are trying so hard to commit suicide by regime in keeping me poor. At least put me into your wills for a few million being of sound mind and bods, as I will at least appreciate your demise unlike your relatives who will just cry over not being left more money to spend on fast cars and boob jobs.

Oh well the story is it is one bald dead man dressed in black. I hope it was not Putin...

REPORT: 4 killed, 8 injured...
WASHPOST: Three Two shooters...
Described as bald black man dressed in all black...
3,000 workers told to 'shelter in place'...
NBC: At least 2 cops among victims...
WAR ZONE: SWAT-style teams deployed at Capitol...
Flights halted out of Reagan airport...
HOMELAND: 'No known connection to terrorism'...
WH: 'Citizens: Listen to the Authorities'...
WITNESS: 'Lucky he was a bad shot'...
Russian official mocks: 'A clear confirmation of American exceptionalism'...

Yes we do not know who the shooter was..........Homeland states but we know it had no connection to terrorism..........except for voting for Obama in  two election thefts.

Gee I wonder why the regime keeps ripping up the bodies of Navy people with bullets ????

Yes a man dressed in black, entering the Navy Yard with an AK 47 certainly should not have raised any alarms, nor scanner warnings nor anything..........yes this story is one which should not be examined too closely for realities which once again do not make any sense.

Seriously, an open sited AK 47 shooting at angle, requires a bit of knowledge as if the bald guy was shooting at the heart region, most shots would fly high, as elevation at that angle is like raising the sites for distance.......he was literally shooting over all their heads and only probably hit anything by hitting some poor misfortunate behind the person he was firing at.

Shhhh no more Lame Cherry exclusives as we do not want critical information in this which is accurate and only desire what the story is which will come out of this.

I am weary in fighting for you. Now though you know some things you had absolutely no idea of.

You do need me, but know nothing. Ignorance is bliss and ignorance is death.

Gilligan's Island , The Honey Bees You Need Us - YouTube
Aug 14, 2010 - Uploaded by Mike Holiday
2:54. Watch Later DAWN WELLS - "Sugar Sugar"by WarrenParkwoodLindenFeatured108,181 · 1:26:32 ...

agtG 294Y

Post Script: Dead bald men dressed in black tell no tales, and it is not a world where SWAT has stun grenades as in Chechen boat hiders getting banged numerous times.........yes dead men tell no tales.  What is the story which requires telling that a live man would get in the way of.

Additional Post Script:

Dearest Sister,
I just finished this letter of consolation for you, when there was a bang outside in front, the computer only instantly shut off, and there is no more letter, not even the draft. Will try again tomorrow.
In Jesus love,

and this..........


The work I did last evening was wiped even though save draft was on.

I will now continue in the same vain of thought but perhaps not so devastating as what I had put together last knight.

Yes, and my password changed in a disconnected computer that only I have access to.......yes all coincidence.
For the reich rich who have not donated the hundreds of thousands of dollars you can and to the lurkers who could pony up 50 grand without missing it ever on your high speed internet..........the above is what it looks like to be in the fray and not having the money to donate, but these Americans are holding up your end, while you deceive yourselves into thinking worse is not going to happen to you when the time comes.

All coincidence the idiot will delude themselves with. The most secure place on earth just had someone allowed in for another staged event. You rich really think your money and hiding behind screens is going to stop this when they come for you? You thing a passport is going to get you away from this, when the tentacles of this will hunt you down just like the Shah's sons were murdered and Andrew Breitbart.

When the hearts stop going bangshangalang, and the regime sponsored guns are making the sound like today.......tock tick tock  tick.

The Archies - Bang-Shang-A-Lang (Correct Speed & Pitch) - YouTube
Apr 4, 2011 - Uploaded by windsorbear
This music segment was one of 17 "Dance of the Week" and "Brand New Song" segments originally shown on ...


The Pecker Cum of an Obama

In the teachings of Islamia, the hadith I think has a tale if not the koran, speaking to his pedophile bride on the day of his death, which it never fully explains how winged Pegasus flew him around as an invalid and he leapt off the rock at the Dome of the Rock or whatever, when Muhammed's chief concern where he was going to ejaculate that day, as producing a load of sperm and where it should land was foremost on his mind before meeting allah.

In every way this Peking Duck now in the guise of a shapeshifting Jinn is exactly like Muhammed in it just as the Fang Jinn or Obama before June 13, BOA, Before Obama Era and now AOE, After Obama Era, in this occupant of the Oval O, just is fixated on where it can fuck something over each day.

It does not matter if it is friend or foe, as they are all the same. Friends like Khadaffi, Mubarak, Assad, Putin.....all were backers of Obama, and soon enough Obama turned on them like a scorned lover. Obama honestly suffers from the "dirty whore syndrome".

I once knew a latino gal who met some banker online, and she was married. The banker fucked her and then after the deed, said he wanted nothing to do with her, as she was dirty whore.

It is all the same in this Obama regime, if they can not hold down Syria and rape her, well then let's all just go down the bazaar and hold down that Persian girl for a good fuck, and afterwards, we can all call her a dirty whore too, as we all know that women are at fault for being dirty after our pecker cum soils them.


Kerry Warns: 'Threat of Force is Real'...

REPORT: WMD's transported to Iraq...

I honestly find this amusing in Bashir Assad, in once upon a time WMD's flooded into his Syria from Saddam Hussein to be hidden. Next thing you know is Obama Jinn has more of Saddam's WMD's lined up to blame Assad for using chemical and biological weapons, and what does Bashir Assad and Vladamir Putin do......well they haul the Syrian WMD's back into Iraq, so that astute people will start putting together what this blog has stated from the start in Saddam Hussein's WMD's have been involved in all of this......which vindicates George W. Bush and points to the reality when Bashir can ship to Iraq, well then Obama Jinn was shipping from Iraq to Syria to blame Assad.

This Vladamir and Bashir boys club is really quite astute, no matter if Russian Mark Levin keeps calling Putin a KGB news Marco that this Obama was a Peking girl run out of the Kremlin for Islamocommunism and this Fang Jinn is none other than a product of the Euphrates prison system for demons.

To give you the behind the scenes in this more fully. I told you that when Obama Jinn popped up in St Pete, it came with a 300 million dollar bribe for Putin. Putin though besides screwing around in Syria which is exactly what took place, got title to replace in Tehran that turban head with his own choice.
In the background of this, the Fang Jinn is really upset apparently the Persians, his people, are screwing with him, so now the Jinn has to spin his bottle and the sticky liquid coming out might be crude, but it ain't oil, as the Persians apparently are next on the list to get some big ole regime missiles shoved up their burkha twats.

There honestly comes a time when you got to cum. You can't keep jacking off and going limp or everyone gets bored. This Obama Jinn has been masturbating for six weeks and he just will not cum. Even old Muhammed knew he couldn't take his cum load with him on Pegasus, but had to drop it somewhere, even if the child bride's snatch apparently was not open for deposit that day.

Aisha & Muhammad — Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami
The 'Prophet' Mohammed was a dirty old pervert - old enough to be Aisha's .... "Some time after the death of Khadija, Khawla suggested to Muhammad that he should ..... A child enters the store, but a woman emerges, veiled, and on that day, of ... Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, Spoken Language Services, ...

I am to the point that I do not care who this Obama regime missile rapes, but that they just get it done. Sure I like the Persians, as who does not like Persians in all that pistachio  nuts they got as who does like love nuts, but this is so boring. At least, Bill Clinton blew up some camels once in awhile.  One would think there is some palm tree or something in Syria that the Fang Jinn could have fired his missile at and declared victory.

Is it so much to ask to do what Obama has been doing from day one in murdering piles of people in one little war to scare people, to ruin America further, to blame America, all so the anti Christ can appear and be all the things Obama was not? It is not like it is a big stretch in any of this. It is just doing more of the same which idiots cheered over and Mark Levin splattered spit all over his mic in appreciation know a Levin blow job to the Obama head of his mic for necrophiliac sex with bin Laden's corpse.

This Obama regime has all of these cock missiles and they are just looking for a good back alley rape to unload them into some Muslim's pussy. Just stick your finger up his arse, make him cum as he appears unable too, and we can all get onto some real butchers like the anti  Christ in the Great Eurasian War where billions will be slaughtered. It is not so much to ask now is it?

Why not have another Boston Blow Job to point at Bashir or the Madhi heads of Iran? Is it so hard for Obama voters to line up to die in another staged event for the good of the evil Obama Jinn promotes?

We all know what is coming like bad born in this, so let's just turn the funky musick off, fast forward, listen to the screaming and see the creaming, as some Muslim idiot takes the blame again.
Is not the Nimitz a wet dream desire sacrifice like the Arizona was for FDR in his jackoff for war?

This has all happened before. Let's just get the cum to come, and let America be blamed and drained of all vital fluids so she can rot in the abyss this blog wrote of from the start.

What is this like Jesus with the Jews in He had to confess He is the Son of God for these framing cowards to actually murder Him? What does God have to start the war because satan is too flaccid to do more than just look?
What is it with these demoniacs in none of them want first poke at the Muslim wench, but once that first rape gets thrust, then they are all going to have their dick missiles out for a gang rape.

Can not any of you pull out your cocks and start the shooting for a war? You already molested all those Syrian children and said Assad did it........missile raping Iran is no worse.

Just do it you pathetic cowards as one of you must not be suffering from cunt phobia.


Revisiting Sandy Hook

As the Truth will never be known of the staged event of Sandy Hook, a revisitation of the Lame Cherry exclusive in it was not possible for a 223 fragable bullet to ever penetrate bricks, the following is from the United States Government when America was still a Republic, in the records of Julian Hatcher in his infamous Notebook from the US Ordinance proving grounds.

In the published charts, it states that a 30.06 firing a 150 grain bullet would be able to penetrate 4.3 inches of brick masonry. The information and testing had to be absolute in order to keep the US Soldier safe as there was data gathered for Naval operations in the required water needed to keep a Seaman safe.
It was so thorough that it even compared wet sand to dry sand. Interesting in water being a lubricant assisted a bullet in penetration in air retarded bullet penetration in dry sand.

A 30 caliber government, is a bullet backed by an over double charge of powder compared to the Sandy Hook 223 which is a bullet almost 1/3rd as light. Meaning the 30.06 is literally three times the cartridge than the 223. Think of it like the 223 is a match and the 30.06 is a blow torch.

Penetration is one thing in blasting through a brick, but that means that bullet still needs to retain speed to travel a distance and then still penetrate a metal vehicle.
It would be reasonable to note that a 30 caliber penetrating a brick might not at 100 feet contain enough energy to penetrate the human body.
An example is at the Battle of Adobe Walls in which the Indian chief leading the raid, was  shot at distance and while knocked off his horse, the bullet did not penetrate his body, even though it did feel like a sledge hit him.

To understand this is vital, in light of the 223 was found in a vehicle outside. That means the Sandy Hook weapon was a pistol, which is even less of a cartridge than the 223 in example a 40 Smith and Wesson.
In general terms, a 30.06 would have 150 grain bullet and 53 grains of powder. A 223 would have a 60 grain bullet and perhaps 20 grains of powder. A 40 S W would have 150 grain bullet and 7 grains of powder.

Those are approximates, but it relates that when 30 caliber has immense problems penetrating brick, then a 223 in a vehicle stands no chance, and a 40 caliber pistol stands even less than no chance.

So while the world has moved on, and apparently the public did not care about the reality of the exclusives of this blog in exposing Sandy Hook which was an Obama payment for his keeping the White House, the reality is the United States Government in published data in his Notebook proved that those bullets could not shoot through a brick.

It still puzzles this blog in the absolute ignorance of the public in even the munitions familiar groups in none of this reality in Sandy Hook was even pondered in comments. It is not needing a physics degree with the mathematical formuals to be familiar with any of this. It is just being familiar enough in being stupid in shooting things like boards, sand pails and animals to know a reality of bullets and penetration. In the John Wayne era, which there should still be Korean War Veterans familiar with the 30 government loads of 30.06 and the later 308 military load, that none of them understood any of this.

Distance makes little difference at 200 yards for 20 feet in the 30.06 as there would only be approximately a 200 feet per second drop off. I address that as some expert always will see it and attempt to try that idiotic opening when there is none.

I leave this at that in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter as the world moved on.


The Lord Garth Factor

When I was a child, I was in deep passionate embrace with Star Trek reruns. One episode which  always fascinated me was when Lord Garth was on the nutso planet for criminally insane and he blew up this blue girl with an explosive mixture he had developed.

That always intrigued me as mankind has since the mixing of potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulfur in black powder, been about the Nobel business of dynamite, nitroglycerine and other things that go bang.

Chemical reactions are intriguing when volatile as they are finite in the need of rapid expansion caused by heat in reality, as that is what a bomb is, it is a rapid expansion of gases in a small area.

The next step up is nuclear reactions in breaking energy barriers, and from that one has anti matter in violent neutralization of existing energies and beyond that is ion. The idea though to me that an explosive using chemical reactions which could rival an atomic blast is compelling to me for the simple reason of figuring out how to do it.......and in reality, perhaps it would be possible to create this as an energy source on earth or use it to power space ships.

I start with TL as TL is the one who knows all things in sacred chemistry and I seized upon methane which is CH4 or one molecule of carbon having 4 molecules of hydrogen attached to it in a natural process that creates something that is quite fuel worthy and explosive in being highly volatile.

I look for magic things, and ponder things like Philosopher's Stone to turn lead into gold, and wonder of synthetics like polymers in greases and things which can transform oil into grease, in being a designer molecule that does wonders.

What if I could create a molecule like plastic explosives which instead of like methane in being CH4 was instead something like uranium in U 238?
How about structure of carbon or plastic at the core of something like C128H256O256. That looks like allot of things, but think if methane is volatile in CH4, to what a synthetic being 32 times larger at base and connected to 64 times the hydrogen and oxygen, in what a complex such as that would be capable as a fuel or an explosive.
One could equal Lord Garth's concoction and start the process of something atomic energy wise in scope.

Take for example nitroglycerine a synthetic created to try and replace dirty coal oil that simply exploded well.

It's chemical formula is C3H5N3O9. Behold what Lordette Cherry can do with just 3 molecules of carbon, 5 hydrogen, 3 nitrogen for glue and 9 molecules of oxygen. My synthetic has 42 times more carbon, 51 times more hydrogen and 29 times more oxygen than methane. One could deduce that this would be one high energy assembly just waiting to be unleashed. It has fuel and it has the breath to burn that fuel in an extremely volatile way in atmosphere or in space.

It is forwarded by this Lame Cherry hypothesis that such a synthetic base of carbon or plastic be generated in laboratory and then the elements of hydrogen and oxygen joined to it in a natural process of fermentation or acidifying it.

C-4 (explosive) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
C-4 or Composition C-4 is a common variety of the plastic explosive known as ... C4 is composed of explosives, plastic binder, plasticizer and usually a marker ...

As you can see, this is not science fiction as C4 is already a known quantity, and binders are in use, so all that would be required is a bit of additional long chains to make Lordette Cherry's creation a thing of beauty.
I of course will not be blowing up blue alien women and of course when the Cherry Peace Prize is awarded, it will never got American haters like Jimmy Carter, terrorists like that fag Philistine or that warmonger Birther in Barack Hussein Obama nor any Jinn likeness or hateness.

I like all this Big Bang creation stuff. Is quite liberating in being the Edison of our time.

Yes I enjoy being creative.

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