Saturday, February 8, 2014

In His More Hawaiian Daze

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......

"The reality is if there was one politician or mic head who was doing their job on the right, then the Lame Cherry would have been eclipsed, but instead the Lame Cherry eclipses the stellar lights of this Obama abysmal darkness as all are but smudges of the Obama pot."

- Lame Cherry

The above was Inspired and composed as all is on this blog as quickly as I can make this Prophetic keyboard fly. It is God's Holy Ghost doing and is all credit due, as I plot nor plan, I simply write and the clever nuances and double entendre fill the endless void to overflowing with satire, wit and fact.
On this field, there is no competition from the thousands who have the broadcast, the backing and finance, as they all have been vanquished by the God given presence of one of me.

Here am I blessed in chasing away 10,000 or doing the work of 10,000 in one wee keyboard and they can not keep up.

I was pondering this for a few moments in what God was going to compose here by His Spirit in how even with deliberate orders and efforts to isolate this blog, as I skewer all who audition to be mounted on a pike for their treachery and lies, just how this blog is the one quoted and is driving the thoughts of the American sphere, corrupting Mockingbird.

God makes fools of those who break stories, to only find that "Oh Lame Cherry broke that a year ago". Then there are those who have revelations about John Boehner as Ann Coulter did in attacking him for Obama, that Boehner is anti GOP as Boehner has money waiting for his pro Obama voting record from the conglomerates.......yes Lame Cherry diagnosed that years ago too.

It is all rather like announcing you have discovered the fork, and your cocktail crowd swooning, only to find out the fork was invented years ago.

It is regrettable in this, that I did not have access to the past as in reality, I could have accomplished more in neutralizing the effects of what was going to be foisted upon the American people and the world by design.

A remarkable study of the destruction of the American system is found in the clarion call of Lord Randolph Churchill, father of Sir Winston. The fight which the original Conservative in Lord Randolph had waged against him and he waged against radicals, is a course which exposes the same talking points which American leftists have been raging about for the 20th century.
Putting into place new voting blocks, attacking Christianity, degrading historical leaders and yes class warfare was the measure of the day.

I have featured Lord Randolph a great deal in posts, because he saw clearly this ruse and it's dangers, as it was not clouded by modern propaganda and his assessments are clear, correct and pointed.

He delivered a damning speech against the liberal Prime Minister, Mr. Gladstone, over the destruction of British forces in a "not very British moral" slaughter of Egyptians which in turn was getting the British slaughtered in the Sudan as this war spread.
Mr. Bradlaugh was a radical elected from a Nancy Pelosi type enclave of leftist nation haters, who was atheist, wanted to crop people and refused to support the Church or Constitutional Government.

That is the background to this quote, and it was a speech by Lord Randolph which started to bring down leftist rule in the United Kingdom.

‘I compared his efforts in the cause of General Gordon with his efforts in the cause of Mr. Bradlaugh. If a hundredth part of those invaluable moral qualities bestowed upon the cause of a seditious blasphemer had been given to the support of a Christian hero, the success of Gordon’s mission would have been assured. But the finest speech he ever delivered in the House of Commons was in support of the seditious blasphemer; and the very worst he ever delivered, by common consent, was in the cause of the Christian hero.’

- Lord Randolph Churchill

That passage began my thought processes in noting that the greater part of what Lord Randolph said was like this blog as was what Ronald Reagan said in being memorable.
The work here so satiates thought that it penetrates to the thoughts of the minders, and soon enough they start expressing things here. They can deny themselves from reading anything here, and yet someone begins speaking to them in verbiage of this blog, and soon enough they are repeating part of it, without their even being aware.

In all of this, having been blessed to literally permeated the world thought process in dominating it to the corruption of Mockingbird, I began to think of historical Birther Barack Obama in all his scripted text as much as Russian Limbaugh, to the now image of Obama.

Barack Chin is a person who had propagandists and has staff churning out volumes of natterings for him and yet while people speak of that "2004 Democratic National Convention speech" or his 2008 Oprah crying speech in Denver, no one can make one quote from Barack Obama.
You just remember a great deal of black people bawling in apparent prophetic foresight of the utter ruin Obama would bring to the Afroid race.
A crying before the fact.

This is of interest as George W. Bush had his New York challenge to terrorists and promise to Americans for justice, but there is absolutely nothing memorable or of substance from Obama except threats like "Plug the damn hole!" in the Bill Clinton not having sex with that woman.

Great moments and great quotes can not be manufactured, they must be delivered by a person of substance to a public which will be ignited by those words.

Barack Obama is nothing but an advertising hype as old as Snake Oil and Barnum circuses. Obama like snake oil got the user doped into stupor of feel good so the bad act was not noticed or the peeking under the tent wowed the children with the animal acts of dragging Col. Khadaffi through the streets or the high wire of Navy SEALS shot from the sky to shut them up about what they new about bin Laden's staged death, but in all of this from Obama chest thumping and black pulpit tones, it has always been the teleprompter stories of others which has been the propaganda of Obama allure.

Barack Hussein Obama Chin has never been a real identity like Jesse Jackson was. Mr. Jackson could speak to blacks in their own language and experience. Mr. Jackson could lecture at white people with a cadence which white people could understand in a sound byte.

This Chinoid Obama is Bill Cosby without the punchline, Eddie Murphy without the laugh, Denzel Washington without the suave and Harry Belefonte without the passion of the liberal moral compass.

Barack Obama is not even a Chris Rock with gutteral discharge to give the nothingness he says any substance.

Even Stevie Wonder could sing, but Obama can not even dance nor does his image.

In that the Oriental Obama Chin is who is coming out from behind the black mask. He used to practice sounding like Indonesian dictators working for the CIA, but that has always been Obama's problem as he does not understand the crafted art of Chinese and Japanese symbols which speak so much more. This Obama and the image which replaced him has relied on being the Negrito kid who ran like a retard as his great accomplishment.

Obama has always relied on the shock value of "Where did that Nigger come from in Mongoloid land?" He was taller, bigger and so overbearing in an Asian culture of demure that of course he stuck out like a betel nut on brown rice, and that is all he ever developed.

I would that Barack Obama or his image actually has the passion of Harry Belefonte, as at least then he would articulate something with emotion, instead of being this ice princess in miss cool.
At least if he was a flaming fag, there would be something entertaining about him.

The only real emotion this Birther has shown was in recalling how beautiful Muslim call to prayers was.

For a reality in this, Barack Obama on average speaks in public for one hour a day. That is a reality where this Designer Negro speaks for over 15 days straight every year. In 8 years that is going to be FOUR MONTHS of non stop jabbering twenty four hours a day and no one is going to remember a thing he has said, and the only thing they will remember is he looks black.

Barack Hussein Obama Chin delivered his worst speeches for fallen Americans in SEALS and Chris Stevens at Benghazi, but his most articulate sentences were calling people of mixed races "mongrels" and apologizing for America.

Obama time and again supports Muslim terrorists over Christain American Heroes. Obama  time and again enables Muslim terrorists over Jews in the state of Israel. Obama time and again has removed or slaughtered Nationalist Muslim leaders for Islamic terrorists.

Obama time and again finds affiliation with the criminal elements of this world while castigating those law abiding Citizens who he criminalizes by their own laws.

The cover of Barack Hussein Obama Chin is he has used white people's position in life, used brown peoples money to gain that position and used blackness to hide who he really is, a hard cover addition with no one capable of reading the fine Chinese print inside.

Barry Chin is a Hawaiian Daze choom reefer who by Barack barbituate doped the world populace into a stupor which has now overdosed to a DOA condition of..........

"The sure thing before Obama was death and taxes, but with Obama the surest thing is being debited to death".

- Lame Cherry

If the GOP could find one silent Clarence Thomas. If Hollywood could fine one Harry Belefonte to sing Deyo. If the FBI could find one Jesse Jackson to mind the black race. Why then could not the cartel find one bonafied black man to be Barack Hussein Obama?

Is that perhaps the one grace in this, in no blacks could be found who would betray their race and the entire world, and a Designer Negro agent had to be created to bring America to her utter ruin as foreigners did Russia and Germany?

This all would have gone so much better if Morgan Freeman had been hired, as he had the voice and was good at delivering the lines. Perhaps in the 4 months of Obama jabbering there would have been something memorable beyond mongrels if Morgan Freeman had simply spoken the words.

I have my doubts about that as the script for Barack Obama only shows passion in attacking America and diminishes greatly in the lies of not wanting to be caught in the propaganda of the recovery of the world now all eating cake.

I do not believe though that Obama would have been remembered if he had quoted Lame Cherry, even if his biggest splashes were in following this blog's advice in growing whiskers and flashing Muchelle's panties.
Those are visuals and that was always his on parade strong point.

No one by God's Grace can keep up with the palmy days of Lame Cherry.

No one.
