Monday, April 13, 2015



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Hillary Clinton has placed in charge of her campaign a little fag boy named Mook. The relevant factors in personification of the left are the crux of comprehending in how to turn the Clinton machine against itself to crack the cogs.

Mook surrounds himself with a group of "loyalists" which are termed Mook's Mafia. Individuals who surround themselves with such creations are phobically afraid of what they are. As is the case in all liberals, if you just community organize, then it means all those Commandments which God gave to Moses, can have a congregation chanting that you are right, your Congress will pass laws making all your deviancy legal, and you can con yourself with a brainwashed repeated lie, that you are right and God is wrong.

As God is not a Being readily available to be assassinated, Mook employs his "family" or mafia with logos to perform the braggadocia of murdering Republicans, as if only the Republicans can be neutralized, then the world will be one community mind of shit sex up the ass all smelling like HIV, no Hep, no Homocide of self killing and yes, no homo divorce as we all know that it is the GOP which causes the self destruction of gays.

So this understanding is advanced in a little boy, not having proper role models in family structure in having brainiac parents, who allow a little boy to ponder fagdom, as girls scare him and being exposed to pervert males conditions him. One then gets a Mook, who is in complete internal upheaval, and a Mook gravitates toward organizing in politics, as it provides a power ghost if  the Mook can organize the body politic, his body in chaos certainly can be balanced.

You know the freak show of perverts which are politics, and this is what Mook is drawn to. The normal person recoils from manipulations, perversion and the disgusting nature of this scam, and Mook is drawn into it. Mook though as is the case in most of these queenmakers, prefers the attention on the adult in the room, whom they can manipulate.......exactly as they did with mummy and dads as a child, and then as puppetmaster they convince themselves they have the power as they are too introverted and under developed psychologically to appear in interviews.

One must comprehend that political hacks are misfits, looking to attach themselves to power to promote it, to fulfill the absolute shortcomings inside of their underdeveloped personas.

This is the reality of what a Mook is, a little fag boy, who is drawn to empowerment, by manipulating groups of people, in order to promote an agenda which will validate their perversions.
Mook though does not desire hired political operatives, but is drawn to volunteer canvasers, as they provide the emotional voyeurism Mook lusts for. See if you hire a prostitute to suck your dick, it is not appealing to Mook, but if you have someone volunteer to be intimate with voters, then you can watch the peep show and get off on the interactions.

None of this means that Mook does not have ability. Joseph Goebbels was perhaps the finest campaign strategist the left ever produced with great success in manipulation of the German populace. What it means though is this is the peek at little boy Mook in who Hillary Clinton has based all of her political illusionary future upon.

The key to disrupting the Hamrod 2016 campaign is to make Mook and his group the focus. Focus on them, and not Hillary Clinton. Let Mook tie the milstone around his own neck and Hillary Clinton will follow him over the cliff. As I stated, slip the cog in one gear, the gear shatters, and the entire machine grind's itself to metal fragments.
Do not concern yourself with the fag factor, but instead use the fag emotion against itself.

The Clintons do not have the cover that image Obama was afforded. Pinpoint the grudges and let them start biting each other in paranah cannibalism. Do not do this early, but do it after Hamrod secures the nomination, and then put the machine into meltdown or in this case, Mookdown.

Term it operation Mookdown. How Richard Nixon would have enjoyed the light political exercise in how easy all of this would be.

nuff said
