As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This is for the personal records, and the NSA multiplex records, when prosecutions of the criminals at Homeland Security are warranted in a future time.
Last night, I was listening to the Jeff Rense program. The guest was interesting in he was speaking about the advanced German Nazi warfare munitions in jets and submarines. As I was listening I was trying to figure out what the sounds were coming from my computer. They were a series of squelches and then everything disconnected.
I state this, because the first thing the old boy said when he went back on air was the NSA was pulling something. I believe now that ........well it was sort of my fault as the sodomite terrorists at NSA were having a curl flipper moment again. They are an unhappy lot with the reporting here, and .......they just run psyops to attempt to frustrate.
Thing is, I was using Real Player, and that eventually quit. As in it would not even load.
So I switched to another mpeg player, and the interesting thing in that program, before it settled down, it was continuously buffering as there was too much traffic on the line. That was impossible as I had high speed connection last night.....yes someone at Homoland Insecurity was busy leaving a big snatch print on my computer again.
We had storms last evening.......3 tornadoes in a super cell. God protected......just some corn flattened, tarps flipped and branches down, so TL and I went to bed, and I turned the laptop off. That I am certain as I powered down.
I neglected to turn off the cell phone hotspot which was being used, and as that is supposed to turn off in 5 minutes, as it is manually set for such a condition, all was well.
Well I get up this morning or am gotten up at 6 AM as the one stud goat was out. So we do chores, and I come in and notice the cell phone hotspot is not off. This has been happening off and on........remaining on for like a half hour with no computers using the connection as they are off.
So I go over to my laptop and it is warm. I have to add this too, that this laptop since Homoland Terrorism, has been getting really hot in the processor. It is an older model, and when they are pulling information out of her, she really gets too hot to touch. Yes NSA can do this..........and as I opened it up, the Homoland Terrorists got caught, as there was a Helix window open in a program had not shut down.
I repeat in this, I know for certain I turned this laptop off, as I always do and it powered down, as in it shut off. I never put things in sleep mode, but always reboot.
So there is my computer hot, the computer had been booted without me doing it, and when Homoland tried to cover up their criminal terrorism of the Lame Cherry, the computer being overworked did not shut down a program.
This is what is odd about this, as when I am online trying to post the blog, the internet connection as I mentioned goes X bars or with bars I have absolutely no connection.....yes impossible unless it is a psyops operation by NSA Homoland. Then when I am not online, the computer fires up and turns on...........oh that skirt reporter at CBS said the same thing about her computers too did she not..........and the hotspot stays active with not any disconnects.
Nice thing too, every time I have to repair the internet connection to connect to the internet on this computer and so does TL. This is all the Homoland psyops terrorism in somehow thinking this is going to bother me. I have goats.......they would drive the NSA nuts for all the stuff they pull, so nothing they can come up with is going to try my patience. They have been doing it since the Clinton era, and none of it phases me.
I simply make a record of this. Computers off and turning on. Computers overheating due to someone pulling information off of it and spying on me.......cell phones which should be powered down are on, because Homoland is pulling information off of my bandwidth I am paying for.
I wonder if I can write to Homoland and be reimbursed for all of this? I might check into this and send them an know the private email that was found, because someone hacked my wifi server of a major conglomerate and found that private email, and then sent me homo email just to let me know they were all curl flipping about the facts posted here.
Am pondering how long it is going to be, before someone in real pedophile power becomes aware of what little miss pedophile is up to in exposing all of this, and makes her go sit in a corner.....under water as another CIA accidental drowning.
Ok that is it. Breakfast is about ready.
Who else but the popular girl would have tornadoes and lesbians, and tiger lilies, and bearing Homoland terrorism, oh my!
Post Script: Yes and soon as I loaded blogger, my connection disappeared again........lesbians, pedophiles and Homoland Terrorism, Oh My!
somewhere over the rainbow, way up high............