Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Price is Right


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I  was watching the Price is Right and the showcase had two Obama was Afroid and the other looked like a Pakistani terrorists being taught how to make nuclear bombs at Cal Tech.

Anyway, the showcases were like 24,000 dollars and one was to ship the winner to Argentina on vacation.

That got me thinking in just what it costs Americans for all these invader criminals. The numbers are always fluid in 11 to 22 billion dollars.......probably Black Ops at USDA for cover and all in the high figure, but the stats were about 1500 a month a border buster gets and that is 18 thousand a year.

A disgruntled chum from California was noting that it costs 10,000 a year for educating a little beaner or chopsticker, and then the medical costs of dropping one out of the hopper is around 10 grande too.

So I got this rough calculation going on, in Americans should just give every illegal a 10,000 dollar vacation. That is like saving 8,000 dollars a year at least. I say dump them in Afgahnistan.. Give them a bad map that says it is like Columbia and then let them loose.
Figure 40 million criminals let loose in the Taliban Punjab or whatever that is, and them heading north into the Gobi, where no one lives. You could be humanitarian and give them like Michelle Obama carrot bars for energy and if they made it to the Russian border, that is Siberia and there is lots of land there to settle on.

I like the idea of giving Mexicans a free vacation. Would make the airlines money. Would give the Taliban something to play with and make money with, as all those tourists would have lodging and food, and China could see if the Gobi could support 50 million Latins.

In the end, America would save billions each year, gas prices would go down without that drain on resources, along with food, used  cars and like a trillion dollar economic bonanza for the American economy.

This seems a kinder and gentler solution. Free vacations, free five breakfasts, a free RFID tag, and all that free Asian land to occupy in the Gobi and Siberia.
