As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was moved to ......I was Inspired to begin posting some realities about the sodomites. As they were fact, I was not paying much attention to the progressing it out, that it would trigger a response in forensic psychology.
The unstable reactions of the Obama regime comrades, does surprise me, for they are insane in the criminal conduct this group began with in 2008, when they were hacking into Yahoo accounts, phishing in Hotmail, and in 2015 this has devolved to a group at Homeland Security, which I will call Sub Anals.
For those who have never experienced Homeland Security surveillance, hacking by their minders or the scrutiny of foreign intelligence services, it is something they can not comprehend in being told of it.
I have made a record of it, from phones disconnecting to monitors burning out. I can tell when something especially triggers the monitors as things slow down here immensely......and for the surveillance I receive, when I do have access to 4 G, it will literally run at dial up speeds or as what took place last evening, it literally quits.
In the evening of July 16th, I was looking through bizarre photos online, and happened upon a really odd one of a coach spraying the crotch of a girl athlete. I was moved to write about Mama warning you to not be a lesbian.
It was perfect satire in the Surgeon General's warnings, and I never really thought much of it.
Someone did though, as the moment I posted that photo on Facebook, my internet connection went off. I repaired it, and it went off again. This went on for a few times, and finally the reality was for TL and I, that both of our laptops were showing connected to the internet........but no internet.
I had access to some kindly person's cell for a hotspot, and I checked the connection and it showed 4 G's.......then I checked the bars and there was a big X on them.
Having a ruined phone is a thing of concern, especially in I hauled out my emergency cell phone.....the one Centurylink burned up 50 dollars of prepaid minutes in their terrorism of us.........and I dialed the 4 G went to voice mail.
So I decided to try and phone out to my phone. Nothing happened for a bit, but suddenly the bars flashed on and it rang my cell perfectly.
Just like that, the bars were back for the internet connection and we had access again.
Of course TL flipped off the camera on TL's computer and said something colorful about the rainbow terrorists, and we had no more problems the rest of the evening.
Every time I post something about these sodomites, this Homoland Sub Anal group just goes literally insane. The reality of Patriot Act and anything that Obama executive orders have mandated, do not allow for this kind of just do not alert a terrorist you are watching them, by turning off their internet. The point is, how do you catch ISIS when the NSA is turning off their monitoring of communications?
This is what terrorism is in this insane group of sodomites in the Obama regime. They are breaking numerous laws and do it with complete cover, and what is of most concern in this, is there are normal people in this who are interested in security for America, who are aware of this bizarre activity, which is being made a record of on the Lame Cherry, and it then alerts everyone for the signals and capabilities of the NSA and Homeland.......which is really not something these agencies would prefer.
It is this insanity, this Homojihad, which is disconcerting. It really does not bother me that much as I am used to psyops and if they want to look at me looking at corn seeds or posting lezbo cootie crotch warnings, they can knock themselves out.
I am certain though of the fast link from Facebook's spyware which installs on all computers, and how this with Google fast tracks people like myself to the top of the list to be terrorized.
I frankly was surprised they could get their sticky fingers off the cheetos keyboards that fast to literally shut down a cell phone link out of a major metro venue.
Back engineer this for a few steps.
I posted the lezbo crotch spray shot, and within literally one minute, the Homoland Security operative had hit the off switch on this account specifically out of a major communications hub.
Once I started bitching about it, re routing it, the connection returned. At that point of almost an hour had passed, another branch became aware that the Lame Cherry feed was off. The original vindictive lesbian did not then have the balls to jenner me again.......the insane penisphobes are allowed to be butch once a day, in the higher ups allow this terrorism to deal with these Obama wackos, but they are not allowed to repeat the performance.
Think of this as the rich bitch, tipping her sunglasses down and glaring, and saying, "Well I certainly showed her". Yes they certainly did show the popular girl, as I have a more complete profile of operations inside Homeland Security into the psychological make up of several of the people in this.......and no I will not produce more information on what I read on these people as their arrogance is ignorance bliss.
Project this out.
What was the problem with John Kennedy being adulteress with mafia girlfriends? Why was the DC Madam murdered for the information in she had in her little black book? I answer for you, in when you are a pervert and breaking the law, you are open to blackmail or for stories to disrupt your policies.
America now has a group of homosexuals, being protected by the Michelle Obama and Val-erie Jarrett faction at 1600 Penn Avenue. The regime might think this all pot of gold at the end of the sodomite rainbow, but REAL INTELLIGENCE agency personnel analyzing this in forensic sciences have the information now to run operations to gain reactions from these deviants and to actually gain access inside American intelligence.
This is a pandoras box literally, as this type of disgruntled groups dealing with each other, always start leaking information in frustration from pillow talk to just isolated comments which are picked up.
While the Faglands promote sodomy, while the rainbow deviants cheer, and while normal people are sick to their stomachs over this degradation of America, the militant fag is causing an immense security fracture of American intelligence.
This is the reality, and all of this information was made public due to the simple posting on Facebook of a satrical photo which made Homoland react insane. This is the absolute danger in all of this as the Obama regime has inflicted upon the security services of America and this is a breach which is not going to have a remedy.
This is the reality of the sodomization of America. Sodomite criminals using American intelligence to terrorize the population as America is invaded and the regime broods a nuclear holocaust.
When the Lame Cherry can trigger this type of viral reaction on the Tavistock protocols of those who are supposed to be the super only proves what the diploma is worth.
Nuff said.
Post Script: When TL was posting Faglands, the reason it kept publishing, was the blog was being sabotaged and with 4 G's again, the blog program would not publish and locked up often.
Even adding this PS, the same alerts appear in