As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I keep reading a great deal about that Donald Trump is in it to hand Hillary Clinton the victory. That bit of information was planted by the Mockingbird intelligence service. I will repeat something which I posted elsewhere in, the above theory of Hillary and Donald ceases, as Hillary is facing criminal charges. She is guilty literally of crimes in Servergate. I have not checked yet if I changed the time line, meaning my work has somehow altered horizon points, and a new focal point is trending which is such a signature that it is sweeping Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton from the time line.
Hillary Clinton is approaching vanishing point.
I am not going to reveal what I know in which group is watching Donald Trump's back, as it would disrupt things and people would not understand. I did inform all of you though that America needed a strong man, an iron fist, and Donald Trump is moving to that destiny.
We just need Donald Trump alive, or this will collapse upon itself in the dynamics and that will crush most of you literally.
If you can understand this, I told you that in World War II, like great signatures appeared in Churchill, Tojo, DeGaulle, Roosevelt, Hitler, Stalin.....not all for good and most for a worse outcome by the victors. Vladimir Putin is a 21st century good if his signature prevails. He will require another signature in the paradigm. Donald Trump is such a signature which arose.
What I am attempting to address here is what I wrote about long ago. Sarah Palin had a destiny like Esther in the Bible. Her Uncle Mordecai, a Benjaminite warned her, that either she rose to the destiny God appointed for her, or God will raise someone else. Donald Trump is now filling the Palin void. She should have been here at this moment, but she was afraid and left the stage.
There are forces at work in this, which are beyond what most people ever consider. There are signatures, Obama had one, image Obama has one, and that shadow is fading, and greater evil is aspiring to be possessed on that stage in Europe.
Donald Trump has the potential to fill a void in America no one else is in place to fill. A place which will harmonize if properly set with Vladimir Putin in protecting Christians in eastern Europe from the anti Christ.
As I stated in the beginning of this, I have a feeling that by this blog I have progressed a coming focal point and other chosen horizon points will vanish, as a stronger light is appearing than the darkness of Ahab and Jezebel.
I posted about Jehu. Stop speed reading and start pondering the map which is the Lame Cherry in revealing things to you.
Donald Trump can not be a conduit for Hillary Clinton as the Mockingbird is spinning that lie, if she is in prison as is appearing as a horizon point.
This is far too complicated for your minds to comprehend, at least most of you. That is not an insult, but you do not understand or comprehend what you do not know is there.
If there is one thing I would offer is, stop listening to the spin which is confusing you, and focus on Jesus is the One Who you can always trust. Build on that base, and stop looking to political saviors, as I watch you children blown around by the wind changing directions half a dozen times a day by what you are being steered by.
Just at least ponder that I have proven enough times to know what I am posting about. If not you are flying blind as I was accused of by a Jebcaver troll. It is up to you, but it is not my responsibility to keep pulling your asses out of the fire every day.
If I get time, I will inquire about this, but I have too much on my hands in this.