Tuesday, September 8, 2015

36 AD

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Most people never consider the history of the Church, as it was in 36 AD in the year of our Lord. We know of this era and it was eye opening as St. Paul gives us a glimpse of this year. He specifcially states that after his conversion, he went to Jerusalem three years later.

That would be in the 36 to 37 AD period, and what he reveals in Galations chapter 1 is telling. For he found only Peter who he stayed with for 15 days, and James the Brother of Jesus. These were the Apostles and Disciples in Jerusalem. The original ones had all left to spread the Word.

We know that it was sometime in 34 AD that Herod Agrippa murdered James, the brother of John with the sword. So by the time of 36 AD, there were only 9 of the original Apostles left, and only one remained in the City.

Historically, we know that James the Brother of Jesus, whom Paul saw in Jerusalem, fled to Reubenite France with the other siblings of Christ. This was the "Holy Grail" which that DaVinci Code skewed to Jesus having sex. The sex was being had by Jesus siblings in reproducing, and their offspring were incorporated into most of the dynasties of Christian Europe.

Peter never did arrive in Rome. Jesus said the foundation of the Church would be built on him, and it was in Jerusalem. The destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD was part of God's plan as it spread Christianity like wildfire throughout the world, and became the moving force in Rome. Persecution honed the Christian Church, and before it was institutionalized into the pagan rites of the Vatican it was a sound movement.
It then went into hiding again to the time of Martin Luther, where the great Reformer unleashed it upon the world, where the torch was planted into America by the Pilgrims for Christianity to flourish again until the apostate end times.

Less than 15 years later after St. Paul's visit, he would be imprisoned in Rome and Jerusalem obliterated by Roman legions. The Church though was moving through the world by then in every Saint believing.

It is an amazing story and the greatest part of it is that it was the evangelizing of Paul which grew the Church and God did that in having him in prison in Rome.
