Saturday, September 19, 2015

A Message from the Holy Ghost


As another Lame Cherry in matter anti matter.

I have heard all about You, Lord, and I am filled with awe by the amazing things you have done. In this time of our deep need, begin again to help us, as You did in years gone by. Show us Your power to save us. And in your anger, remember Your Mercy.

Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vine; even though the olive crop fails,, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in the God of my Salvation. The Sovereign Lord is my Strength! He will make as sure footed as a deer and bring to rule from high places.

Those Words my children are from the Prophet Habakkuk. He was a Prophet in the last days of Judah as God divorced those wicked people and sent them into exile. The Israelites, who most of you reading this are descended from were already exiled a generation previous by the German Assyrians.

The Holy Ghost for years has brought me to the last verses in Chapter 3, but at this time, He is bringing me to the first part of the Chapter, because He Wills you to remember that your sinful kindred are scattered in the soils of Asia and Europe, as God culled those abominations who were busy being sodomites, baby butchering, corrupting Justice in the courts, robbing the poor, enslaving them to use them in bondage, and allowing foreign apostates like Jezebel rule over them and change all Israel was to something they could believe in.
Sounds exactly like Obama and it is.

The mid part of Chapter 3 deals with God's majesty and power, as God is Awesome in every way.

Remember in this, that God does not hate you my children, but He will use this time of suffering and fear to make you shine brighter as His Spiritual Children. God will perform a reckoning on America and the West, as the wages of sin is death, and America under Obama's image has been working hard at rebellion against God.

I desire you to know this. God Loves you. God Loves Justice too, and so do you, as your hearts all yearn for God to avenge you in how you have been spiritually assaulted and raped. God has predestined this time for His Glory, and has sent Prophets to tell you, that there will be billions dead, there will be trouble that has never been in this world, that evil people will be in fetal positions and hiding rocks begging for an avalanche to fall on them to hide them from Judgment.

This must all be as it is Fair, and God balances all things in your Favor, for He Favors you. The stock markets will plunge, there will be massive inflation, there will be wars, there will be terrorism, there will be signs and terrors in the skies, the sun will become unstable, but Jesus Will carry the Faithful to the end. Remember that each day, as you are more than money, more than the cares of this world. You are eternal from God's Spirit and have Heaven where there is no end to the Peace, Joy and Love.

Your enemies are God's enemies and they will have tears, gnashing of their teeth like a savage beast, and be incinerated in hell or tormented there forever.

This is and will be as God Promised. There is no delay. God is Faithful. You be Faithful to Him alone.
