As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I am not going to waste a great deal of space here, but for the past months, Obama's biggest non taxpaying, but US taxpayer money dumps conglomerate, GE AKA General Electric has been as I write this in mid September, to be dumping it's banking interests..........and going to focus on Big Frac'ing of oil.
This should make you frown in it making no sense, as the story is banks are getting new Obama regulations and will not be profitable, so GE is going into............Big Frac which is going bankrupt.
You do understand this right or do you need the Lame Cherry to explain this again?
OK, banks are going to be in trouble and over regulated in the next period, because of an economic implosion.
But someone is telling GE that oil prices are going to get very expensive again.............gee that might not have anything to do with another exclusive of this blog now would it, in the regime is selling Gulf oil leases of 100 million acres in 2016..........which all in logical conclusion point to a Great Eurasian War which is going to make Mideast oil supply cease and make Russian oil supply unavailable.
I hope you do comprehend the enormity of what you just have learned in the value of what the Lame Cherry by God's Grace just revealed. You move through this veil like a mist unaware. I do not know what to do with you as your arrogance, fear and selfishness have you so blind, and you wealthy care nothing for the plights I am afflicted with.
It is all so easy for me by God's Grace and all so impossible for you.