Friday, September 18, 2015

Lame Cherry Proven Right Again on Face Book High Crimes

 Mark Zuckerberg with the gay Facebook Co-Founder, Chris Hughes

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Activist Post featured an article from the Wall Street Journal, which proved beyond a doubt, everything the Lame Cherry has written of in the United States Stock Markets are rigged, and one of the chief criminal agents is Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg.

This confirmation is coming from Richard Grasso, Chairman and Chief Executive of the New York Stock Exchange.

Speaking of the erratic stock activity that occurred in late August, he said that “A day like that, where Facebook’s shares go from $86 to $72 to $84 in a matter of minutes will cause the public to lose confidence in the markets.”
Grasso also spoke of how the game was rigged to create an advantage for certain players.
“Creating an advantage to an institutional user or a particular type of trader that disadvantages the retail investor is bad for the country, bad for the markets and bad for your business,”

The reality in this is criminal and Mr. Grasso, who was forced out on charges after 8 years leading the markets, during the George W. Bush administration.

Grasso said, “A fast market is not necessarily a fair market, as evidenced by that Monday open. Frankly, some of the things that went on that day need very close scrutiny.”

This translates to what I have stated. What is taking place are e currency money dumps. There are stock sell offs and buy backs, using debt money, and it is all PRE PROGRAMMED computer programs, with  transactions happening so fast and furious, that they can not be tracked, and done to cover up the crimes.

All of what I have written has been confirmed now from an insider who was targeted for removal. Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook are guilty of high crimes against  these disUnited States of America.

Share-price manipulation has concerned regulators since the "Securities Exchange Act of 1934 attempted to prevent manipulation of the market by issuers, officers and directors," says Susan M. Barnard, a securities-law attorney with Sullivan and Worcester, LLP, Boston. "Basically, the rules try to prevent a company—by virtue of going in and out of the market—from artificially inflating or deflating a stock's price."

This is exactly what Mark Zuckerberg has been involved in, along with all of the Obama Wall Street swindlers.

Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Share-price manipulation has concerned regulators since the "Securities Exchange Act of 1934 attempted to prevent manipulation of the market by issuers, officers and directors," says Susan M. Barnard, a securities-law attorney with Sullivan and Worcester, LLP, Boston. "Basically, the rules try to prevent a company—by virtue of going in and out of the market—from artificially inflating or deflating a stock's price." - See more at:
