Sunday, October 11, 2015

Speaker of the House Lame Cherry


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As billionaires Donald Trump and Mark Cuban parry over pretend scenarios of Mr. Cuban being Speaker, as the House can nominate and elect anyone to that post, I have not given this any consideration or thought, but I have decided that I desire to be Speaker of the US House of Congress.

I am qualified on all the necessary legalities........Facebook has my Birth Certificate, my Legal Identification and my Journalist Credentials, but has rejected my property and speech rights on that NSA spy site.

My reason for running first on impulse is, that Newt Gingrich wants the job. The last time Newt was Speaker, he got Bill Clinton re elected and since then has been acting wacko liberal in the things he has been promoting since Big Frac bought his soul.
So I promise that I am not going to enable Barack Hussein Obama Chin Jinn, one iota in this, but I will push the following legislation, will gain over ride vetoes of Obama for 2016.

First issue is as the Congress controls the wallet latch of all money, I am going to take all the money being handed out to the 100 million foreigners in America, illegal and legal, and give every elderly person and every black person a raise in their retirement and Social Security checks of 1000 dollars per month.

The Black Caucus will support this, as will Democrats and the GOP rank and file, as this is a huge voting block, and image Obama can not veto this and make it stand.

Second issue, as Congress has control of BLM Lands, I am going to lottery off for the 93 million Americans on unemployment and welfare, 25% of those land's mineral rites, in which for doing this, they will give up welfare forever, and they can join to drill for oil and gas, or sell those rites to oil and gas companies who will then pay them either royalty fees or a buy out fee.

Third issue, Congress under my leadership will pass an 18 month waver on all Americans to not have to fund Obamacare next January, to allow the next President, Mr. Trump sort all of this out. I will return that half a trillion dollars stolen out of Medicare for Obamacare, and thereby make it completely solvent.

I do not intend to take any issues from candidate for President, Donald Trump, but only to provide a groundwork for his Presidency in 2017, in working with Democrats, protecting those who need protection, giving Americans what is rightfully theirs and begin the process of defunding the invasion of America by welfare funding.
The invaders and imported slave labor, are not going to be in America, if they are not getting paid to be squatters.

If a movement arises in those of Congress to nominate and elect me on these three planks, I will serve the people with an iron fist, which is exactly what they require.

I promise I am the only one who has of all the traitors and cowards in Congress, both in and out of politics, who has produced three bills to rectify the immense damage of the Obama regime.
This is a great sacrifice for me, as I prefer none of the public stage,  but someone must come forward and do the job, until Donald  Trump is elected.

I give my word on three additional actions:

There will be House investigations, chaired by myself into Barack Obama's looting of the US Treasury of over 7 trillion dollars for Wall Street kickbacks, there will be investigations into Hillary Clinton's Emailgate, and if the image of Obama sets foot on Capitol Hill again, he will be arrested by Capitol Police, and held for crimes against the American People from stirring up blacks in Ferguson to stirring up Muslims in Benghazi, and he will be tried by a Congressional Tribunal, and when found guilty, the image of Obama will be along with Vice President Joe Biden, thrown into Federal Prison at Leavenworth Kansas.

For those ignorant of the Constitution, I have informed you that the Congress has Constitutional Authority in Article I Section 8 to call out the State Militias to protect America, including Congress, and in that same Section 8, Clause 9, Congress has the Constitutional Authority to create Special Tribunals in Congress.
As Speaker, I would create such a Tribunal Court and try image Obama with full Constitutional Authority to prosecute, convict and sentence image Obama.

As I am completely aware of the ramifications of this in Presidential Succession, that I would then be sworn in as President of these United States, I hereby promise the following in full disclosure.

Upon being sworn in as President, I would fire every Obama official and appointee. President Cherry would then sign an official executive order nullifying every order, mandate or legal finding coming out of the White House, since January 2008.
I would appoint Donald Trump as my Vice President, and in seven days I would resign at midnight the Office of the President of these United States, and turn the cabinet and the government over to President Trump, who would be re elected the following November.

I am not going to pursue this, for if the people do not rise up and force Congress to such actions, to require them to elect Lame Cherry, the Continentalist Party of one is not going to save a recalcitrant and sloven people. I am though showing you what a Constitutionally Responsible Citizen could accomplish for America and Americans, in how much you have been lied to and deceived.

Speaker Lame Cherry would return the Rights of the Moral Citizen to Americans.

Why are your Speaker choices and your Representatives lying to you and making you believe that nothing could be done, when I just proved all of the above could be accomplished.

........and as an additional note, I would dare those fags on the John Roberts treasonous Supreme Court to just try and infringe on the People's House, as I would from the House Tribunal, indict those traitors in one second, and have Clarence Thomas as Chief Justice by the end of the month.
I am not going to be shackled by these traitors using the Constitution against Americans, nor their Chief Advocate, while Americans rot in the Obama gulag. I will have them all in irons, waiting a quick trial for conviction and a speedy sentence carried out.

Nuff Said
