Friday, December 18, 2015

Bullshit from Bull Shit Ink

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I really detest propaganda in how it is composed. I really detest Chuck Hagel as another brain dead Nebraskan bent over for Obama, and mystified why they plunged the knife in his back on his way out of the Pentagon, in saying that, we have a world a liars, and then the Truth about how to figure out who is lying.

For example we can listen to Webster Tarpley, a very bright man, who has this neurotic philia for everything Franklin Roosevelt, and for constantly yammering on about how Barack Hussein Obama is not really in charge and does not know what is going on at the Pentagon.

Then there is Gordon Duff of Veterans Today, who posts pieces about John McCain being the one who subverted Obama war policy over ISIS.

Yes apparently that poor little Barack Obama, and his entire regime are helpless, due to the machinations of these supreme behind the scenes powers in the regime, holding him hostage and torturing him with pictures of naked Muchelle every night, and the Secret Service can not save him......or it as they are behind the curve on the image thing.

Then let us enter into this, the source, Charles Chuck Hagel, on the record with these comments.

The 69-year-old former Nebraska senator and Vietnam War veteran, speaking for the first time about his treatment by the Obama administration, said the Pentagon was subject to debilitating meddling and micromanagement by the White House — echoing criticism made by his predecessors, Robert Gates and Leon Panetta.
 What? Can this be???? The Obama White House is indeed in charge, and tampering with the Pentagon's ability to make war....pulling back from Syrian attacks to dethrone Assad when Hagel was all set up to move?

How can this be, because we have the very word of Webster Tarpley that the Pentagon is the one that is fighting Obama and we know from Gordon Duff, that John McCain is the one ruining Obama's ISIS war?

But wait there is more.

Looking back on his tenure, Hagel said in the Dec. 10 interview that he remains puzzled as to why some administration officials sought to “destroy” him personally in his final days in office, castigating him in anonymous comments to newspapers even after he had handed in his resignation.

Amazing is it not, that Susan Rice tried to destroy Chuck Hagel on his way out, with full authority of image Obama and the rest of that liberal caste. For some reason this brain dead Nebraskan has no idea that Marxists hate all things not Marxists and other Marxists, and Hagel being a tool of Socialism is certainly going to have his nuts cut off by the sexy, gorgeous and beautiful Susan Rice
Chuck should have compliment the old sex pot, told her that her tits looked perky and slapped her on the ass to send her to get the coffee, and she would have liked that.......probably gave him good press if he just would have noticed how hot of a chic this Negress was and is.

I digress........

The point is in this, we have the Secretary of Defense......and other SOD's all confirming that the White House constantly is undermining the Pentagon by their political minders at the 5 wall hut. Then we have Tarpley and Duff telling us the exact opposite from their sources.

So how does this all fit?

Well if you have been there, I mean like been there when the boys were knocking back cognac shots the taxpayers are paying for or watching someone getting their testicles stomped on in interrogation on feed, you kind of figure out who this girls club works.

OK so I will explain this in all of the above are partly right. This is how it goes.

Hagel is hired, because he is a fucktard with shit for brains. Then you have the ideologues at the Rainbow House at 1600 Penn, and their sodomite political minders at the Pentagon. All have axes to grind, and the White House is busy implementing criminal syndicates in Islam for the cartel, like ISIS.
image Obama gets orders........they are  to loot oil from Iraq and Syria into Turkey. So image Obama orders Hagel to get the invasion ready, but does not tell Hagel that the regime of Obama just handed over chemical weapons to ISIS to frame Assad..........and they get outed by another faction which likes Assad and hates Obama's regime not cutting them in on oil deals.
Then you have Susan Rice, the most gorgeous, large breasted creature in the Obama regime, being displaced by that mouthy Irish red head, Samantha Powers and other lesbians. She is upset as no one looks at her tits nor tells her how brainy her ideas are. None of that matters in this, but it is just how women are.

So you have John McCain acting like he won in 2008, running around being Obama White, making ISIS terror friends and helping out. The Obama regime lets this happen, as it gives them cover for what they are doing, and those sources tell Gordon Duff......hey it is McCain and not us funding ISIS and protecting it.

Meanwhile, the sources for Webster Tarpley are whispering the things to him, he likes hearing in Obama is just another incompetent Nigger and those mean white men are doing all of this, as Obama would shit peace and piss prosperity if only he could be rescued from the Pentagon.

That is how it sort of is this shattered dream of three stories in all claiming they are telling you the truth, but the Truth only assembles in all 3 being combined. It all amounts to if you used bull shit ink, you are going to get bullshit printed in volumes.

I will leave that at that as it is difficult for the boys to know what the popular girls know. Is not like they get to be in the shower with Susan Rice and compliment her on her nice lacy bra to make her feel pretty. The men folk only talk to the men, and so they get these men stories which end up protecting a girl like image Obama.

So now you know how this works and that this Obama regime is guilty as ........well Bill Clinton raping women and Hillary Clinton abusing them afterwards as that was her thing.
Oh you did not know that Hillary liked the stories, but liked to critique the sex as that was her fetish?

Sickly, now you do.

.......and no I have never showered with Hillary Clinton nor complimented her on her bras.

But Hagel remains pained at how his term as Pentagon chief was tarnished by what he views as backstabbing by some in the White House.
“I don’t know what the purpose was. To this day, I’m still mystified by that. But I move forward. I’m proud of my service,” he said.

No mystery Chuck Hagel. I will repeat this slowly. You were chosen, because your brain is in the stupid category. You thought you were chosen to lead the Pentagon, when your job was to be clueless and let all of this political intrigue manage the Pentagon for power and profits of the elite backing John McCain and image Obama.
Ash Carter replaced you, because he was a McObama stooge who could run the protection racket for ISIS oil and dope trade, when you were focused on political things........this was about commerce and is about commerce.

Let us all just admire Susan Rice's beautiful breasts....more lovely than Samantha Powers, Michelle Obama's and Val-erie Jarrett's.

Nuff said.
