As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
TL brought to my attention a little holier than thou church twat who was all for "stopping the insanity" of Donald Trump as he the only President to run a strip club.
For this little church twat, spreading false witness must not be a part of it, as Donald Trump does not own or run a strip club, as the Taj Mahal in New Jersey, leases space to Scores of New York which is a high scale gentleman's club.
In New Jersey, the gaming commission will not allow strippers, so Donald Trump is being smeared again.
Here is the quote:
Dancers will not be allowed to expose any parts of their bodies that would be covered by a bikini — just like any other New Jersey business that serves alcohol — and will be instructed to refrain from actions that mimic sexual activity because state law bans such entertainment from casinos.
No lap dances either.
So this club employs around 250 to 300 people, and other renters are thrilled to have this addition, in this Las Vegas style review. You might remember some of your favorite Christians in Donna Summer were employed at sin city, but we might as well pound the nails into Donald Trump for that too.
I am not defending what Donald and Ivanka Trump are in business with, as it is entertainment. New Jersey like Nevada have nothing left for industry and all that is left is gambling, but oddly owning a gambling resort does not bother this church twat, only the more beautiful, thinner and attractive women than this pew sitter.
I would probably be blocked if I posted that on this church twat's account, but then Facebook already banned me for pointing these realities out to other bed fuzz and latin lusters for which they will answer for.