Monday, January 25, 2016


Montague Keen – 11 Octobre 2015

I was asked about these interesting cloth of the land, but am more incensed that I have not been accused of being the lovely Veronica, although I have air in my lungs and not fluid........and thank God TL is in this world and not under sod.
For the best assessment this site did the work best.

This is a sub operational group, Britain, of American intelligence. Part of the really bad theater to give a bad impression in the public of those who are not bought and paid for.  I have not inquired on this a great deal.....really does not interest me as I would not like to live in a London balmy to do that.

More important to keep Burns Oregon as a focal point as the FBI employs......No you employ 35,000 people, and several hundred are now on location in these state police. They have the elite killers deployed out there now from Quantico. I am not stating they are going to Waco this, but there are agents being "caught" brought in, fed and returned to the FBI, as part of the on ground surveillance.

Leaving it at that.
