Sunday, February 21, 2016

Where They Have Gone Before

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am fascinated by the shattered glass of human lives, in they assemble as they should, but wonder why they do in the plan of God.

John Hoyt

On Star Trek, the pilot, the original Bones or Dr. McCoy was John Hoyt. The pilot was never picked up by NBC and it was back to the drawing board as Gene Roddenberry was a failure at trying to make Star Fleet into a fag British ship. That would be the failure of that John Luc Pichard in Next Generation in that awful European bridge of the Enterprise.

Hoyt was a good doctor, but for the second pilot, it melded the Buck Rogers look with a bit of British shrill ordering again by Mr. Spock, with what Star Trek would become, and the doctor would be Paul Fix.

Paul Fix as Dr. Mark Piper

Mr. Fix is a favorite of mine, in he made his mark in the Rifleman with Chuck Connors. He was a most likable and interesting gentleman in he helped John Wayne in acting, and they became friends, and like all things John Wayne, if you were his friend, you appeared in his westerns.
Paul Fix would appear in 25 John Wayne films.

Doctor McCoy in <a href="/wiki/2266" title="2266">2266</a>

Star Trek was still being transformed from 50's Scifi into what it was to be, and for some reason, Paul Fix was replaced, and another fine actor appeared in DeForrest Kelly. What Star Trek became reflected in a complete way the Canadian accent of William Shatner, in his natural way of delivering dialogue with the inflection down and deep. This type of acting produces authority and strength. If you listen closely to Where No Man Has Gone Before in the second pilot and later shows, you will hear that Leonard Nimoy began to mimic William Shatner and that was the secret of Mr. Spock. He was no longer a hysterical British Number One, but an American First Officer, who like the entire crew spoke as theater actors, and ended on base notes.

I always contemplate how actors are chosen and how choices make careers or break shows. Joss Whedon is brilliant in spotting talent. Gene Roddenberry was horrid. Of the original pilot, only Mr. Spock and the Number One, who became Nurse Chapel, because she became the wife of Gene Roddenberry survived.
The second pilot, had only William Shatner, James Doohan and George Takei, as again the cast was recast. Takei was not even Helmsman, but a mathematician, who was later placed into the bridge officers.

I wonder why things work out for some people, and I wonder how many absolutely worthless movies, if recast would have been masterpieces.

I happened upon an old black and white Root 66 television program, and the two episodes I watched had William Shatner on it, and four other people who would later appear as guest stars on Star Trek. I wonder how many people could have been famous if things had worked out, and how many people got written out of shows and replaced by actors that simply were better designed for the role.
For example in the Doomsday Machine, William Windom gave an epic performance, which the original actor chosen in Robert Ryan, could not fulfill the role.

What I would love as Lame Cherry productions, to remake or to write a new non profit Star Trek episode, and then do 30 episodes of it, with completely different casts, with different casts telling the story, and 30 different directors and editors. I believe for a purist that this would be something that would be entertaining as Mom can watch The Closer a dozen times over in the same episodes and still enjoy them.
It would be unique and a creation of mine, and then to hear fan's choices in which show they liked, in being the same one prefers the first version of Boys of Summer you hear.

So some millionaire with worthless children, you might donate such a fortune to employ your kid, and it would make history in 30 different versions of one new Star Trek episode.......and no we are not doing Kirk replacements as they all suck.
