You know Ron Howard right? You know his left wing comedy, Arrested Development right. You know how cranium waves are now tested to show who is a terrorist and stuff by the Obama brain scanners right?
Then what are we going to do with Michael Cera, the liberal, who looks like the Paris terrorist who made French Mutton there?

Neighborhood Where He Grew Up...
DNA found at scene of Tuesday raid...
'Amazing feat'...
'Many more' involved than first thought...
See what I mean. Looks like they popped out of the same womb chamber..........well they probably did as all these folks are related genetically in Ashkenaz and Arabians, so this is really an outstanding two universe deal.
I mean like if this was a Star Trek episode of Mirror Mirror, is Michael Cera making Mutton in America out in Studio City while this Salah Abdeslam worked at Facebook?
Matter of point to check, did Mark Zuckerberg who just loves these terrorists actually hire Abdslam to work for him.
The only thing we are ever going to ever know is nothing in this case, because you got this Muslim, living in the Belgium ghetto on his old man's mega bucks, and somehow no one in Europe could find him, and when they finally did, they were not like the Americans shooting LaVoy Finicumin the back three times and leaving him bleed out........but instead grazed him in the leg, so Abdeslam can appear on Dancing with the Stars next season with Mark Zuckerberg's wife.
I just simply find it fascinating that two people look so much alike........and at last Michael Cera can now star in an Opie Howard epic of Salah Abdeslam, the Misunderstood Muslim Merchant.
Nuff Said