Monday, April 25, 2016

Letters from Dresden

Bodies of German Civilians in Dresden from British and American Bombing

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

War is hell. It is though a hell that loses itself without your presence there.

In World War II, Dresden, Germany, was targeted by the Allied high command by Prime Minister Winston Churchill to retaliate on Germany for the National Socialist using V2 rockets in the London Blitz.

What followed was the incineration of Dresden by fire bombing it, as had taken place in Hamburg Germany earlier.

The following is a correspondence from Luftwaffe officer to his wife, as he is alone in the basement of a hospital. As background in this, a firestorm produces a roar, and in an event such as this, any humans in this type of heat, literally will be vaporized as the air is sucked from their lungs as the fire breathes all of the oxygen.

Luftwaffe Hospital Air Zone Command XVI (10)
Dresden A.24 General-Wever-Strasse.
I think it is February 13,1945.

My darling, darling wife,

I doubt that this letter will ever reach you; these are probably the last words and thoughts I shall ever write to you.

Apparently I was brought to Dresden earlier yesterday Tonight there have been two air-raids, one after another. Now everything around me and above me is on fire. The hospital I'm in has been evacuated, and is empty. Outside I can hear a fire-storm raging, like the one in Hamburg. The whole building has been abandoned long ago. Everybody ran off when it caught fire. I am curious to know how many of them will survive, and where they've gone to.

Everything around my bed is on fire; smoke and sparks are making breathing almost impossible. It is peaceful here in the cellar. There is one candle giving out a little light. It is going to get very hot in here too.
At the moment, I am just lying here in the cellar which is still cool, smoking my last rescued cigarette, and thinking of all the things one ought to think of in ones last minutes alive. There's nothing I can do but wait, and write these words...

Perhaps you will then sense somehow, even if this letter does not reach you and you find yourself alone, that my last conscious thoughts were with you and with my mother.

Yours, V.

Apocalypse 1945 The Destruction Of Dresden Irving (Kindle Locations 18-20).
