As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I ran across an article by Susan Stamper Brown of 3 names, because we all know the great Stampers of the world, in Stamper found America not Columbus, it was Stamper who was President, Stamper who walked on the moon first, and I do believe it was Jesus Stamper who saved us all, if you check the Bible.
Literally if your family looks like all of the other white eggs in the dozen carton, just use your lesbian husband's last name in being Brown, as at least it shows Christian values unlike the ones you pretend to profess.
I am pleased in this GOPliter defeated era of the moment, that all the other Cruz, Bush and whatever voters like paid for writer Matt Walsh are joining the Cuckertrain leaving Hootville in declaring the GOP dead, and they are not going to be around for it.
Never mind that Ms. Stamper discovered this in 2007 to profess it was all over, and real visionaries like Charles Lindbergh Sr. were warning of this in the World Wars, because in Flat World Cruz, all the geniuses are now suddenly seeing danger, when it is not their dangerous shills running the destruction.
I enjoy the excuses that in their not voting, means that they are not electing Hillary Clinton now......yeah those Constitutional Conservatives, in their racist Nigger talk, have that litmus test going on, that they are somehow more principled for supporting a Constitutional shatterer in foreign birthed Ted Cruz, then the rest of the brown paper not as Nig as they are.
And seriously, what in the Lucifer in the Flesh is all this German thrown into this:
So-long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodnight GOP
I mean, i use GOPliter as a historical reality in who runs the GOP, but Stamper just gravitates to throwing out Nazi talk just because she is a German hating racist, who hates the American segment of America that has shit on their shoes from working a real job.
As Susan Stamper has not figured out yet in her paradise, the Lame Cherry has been warning about World War IV, long before she decided to put on Jezebel facepaint, hide behind Christianity, and tell people to get used to America not being a Christian nation, instead of taking up arms and revolting, as she does not love America enough to fight for her as that would endanger her pretty house.
So I will repeat something which is coming, as the GOP and Clinton want World War IV with Russia. Vladmir Putin is prepared for it, and in strategy, Mr. Putin is going to tell the Chinese who are now getting their South China Sea oil wells run through by American warships, that Alaska is there for the taking in all of that unprotected oil, and Mr. Putin will finish off Europe and the Eurasia will strangle America.
Sounds like a great war strategy and that is what is coming, because that is what the Seers of Europe have been nattering on about for a generation. So Susan Stamper Brown is in the next years going to find that her whore portraits posted all over the place, to get readers to jack off to her while not listening to her Cruz world shortsightedness is going to be just like Norwegian and Swedish women, experiencing Muslim Rape Cock. Instead Susan Stamper will have the joy of Alaska in her Brown cuck being bayoneted, her children being Chicom sex toys, as she gets her fill of Chinese Rape Cock.
Then she can pray to her "Light" she professes to serve, and find that God is not there, because she walked out on America and turned it over to evil. Susan Stamper thinks she is something more special than the Israelite women raped to death, and their limbs used to beat their own children to death. She is nothing special, but she will be something special to Chinese Rape Cock in a Chicom invasion, because all these whorish western women have been advertising they like tan Obama dick and are just waiting spread eagle to take on the Asian hordes.
I assess Susan Stamper as an asset though, because as a million Chicoms' balls drain their life energy into her pussy, along with all the other Alaskan women, it means the Chicom invasion will not penetrate into my beloved Western Canada, as I do will to protect those Patriots of the Maple Leaf, and the rest of America south can save its pussy for Mexican Jesuit Rape Cock, and with all that life energy drained from invaders, they will die along with the rotting rape cunt, and America will be once again a lovely Christian remnant of chaste females and males, who both will learn the joys of killing festering rape cocks as they groan in their sleep.
Die einzige gute Deutsch ist eine mit einem boot auf dem Hals und eine Kugel in den Eindringling Gehirn setzen.
The only good German is one with a boot on your throat and putting a bullet in your invader brain.
Heard that from some German recently.