As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
So we have a balance here in Ronald Reagan in his cabinet.
Secretary of State Alexander Haig.........uber Conservative
Then there is Mike Pence and Jared Kurschner's choice in..........
Mitt described as Obama white.
Ronald Reagan picked uber Conservative Caspar Weinberger as Secretary of Defense.
We still do not know who Pence and Kurshner have picked, as apparently promoting the children's favorite of Harold Ford an Obama liberal is more important than defense.
Ronald Reagan picked uber Conservative Bud MacFarlane as NSA head.
Obama employee and fireling, Mike Flynn was the Trump Trans choice.
So in review, Trump Trans, is looking at a general who does not want to torture prisoners for DOD, likes Obama employees and every Mexican and traitor's favorite, Hillary Clinton's favorite clit salve, Mitt Romney.
For some reason when one weighs Ronald Reagan in choosing only Right Wing Patriots, and somehow Trump Trans has an affinity for vulva balm, somehow in the balance scales Patriots on one side and vulva balm on the other just sort of seems like Americans who voted for Donald Trump, are getting the Reagan weight in the scales.
Odd also how Mike Deaver and Lynn Nofsigger did what Ronald Reagan wanted, instead of like Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway doing what Pence and Kurschner want.
Odd how Ronald Reagan never did what his leftist children wanted, but Donald Trump seems to do his thinking through children who have this joined at the hip attraction for liberals.