As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti mater.
In this Obama era of historics of where if your skin is a pigment color that is a record, it disgusts me that the real historical figures are overlooked by this Molotov Press that self serves its own sodomite agendas. It is why I have invested the time to reacquaint Americans with General Chuck Yeager, not of the Right Stuff legend of Hollywood, but of the American of extraordinary ability, as nothing he ever accomplished came easy.
Chuck Yeager was the first to break the sound barrier, but the Air Force covered it up and he never earned a thing for it, like the NASA astronauts did with Life magazine payouts........which was nothing but CIA Mockingbird money flowing to chimps in a can.
General Yeager though continued flying and in 1963, he was on December 12th attempting to once again break a record in a rocket powered F 104 jet at over 100,000 feet into space.
His morning flight went perfectly, and he dined with his Wife and Mother, and was set to go for an afternoon flight to break the record, which he did. The problem is in the upper atmosphere, there is not any air to control a jet, so thrusters were necessary.
In the morning the nose of the jet went up, and Yeager controlled the jet and brought it safely back home. In the afternoon, the nose of the jet went up, and it stayed up, as the thrusters had absolutely no effect.
The jet just stayed there flat and started spinning in, like a leaf falling from a tree. The turbines could not be restarted, and they froze at 40,000 feet as the jet was falling and not moving air through the engines. The jet spun 14 times to the desert floor, and Chuck Yeager rode it to 13 spins.
What can go wrong will go wrong at times, and this time things went hellacious wrong.
There were two explosive charges on the seat to eject Yeager, one would send him straight up at 90 miles an hour from the jet, and the second, a small butt kicker would displace him from the seat, so it would not tangle in the parachute. The problem was a Yeager fell to earth, he noticed the chair was tumbling with him, tangling in the chute cords and the seat charge was still on fire.
The chute though popped and as Yeager hoped the charred cords would not break, he found that the chair slammed into his head, breaking his glass face plate, and the rocket's red glare was on his helmet, and then the pure oxygen he was breathing ignited and Chuck Yeager began having his head burned off.
Yeager was about knocked senseless from the initial impact. The fire was burning like a blow torch. He could not see out of his left eye and still the flames and smoke continued as he was being suffocated. When he tried to use his hand to scoop in air to breathe as he fell to earth, his gloved hand caught on fire, and it was only when he raised the visor, that the oxygen supply cut off, that he hit the ground hard, still smoke pouring from his helmet.
Yeager pulled the scorched chute lines apart with his hands, as he struggled to stay alive. He somehow removed the pressure suit helmet, which revealed a bloody charred mess.
When rescue arrived, they could not look at Yeager as he was literal bbq. He borrowed a pen knife to cut his glove off, as his hand was hurting terribly, and when he did that, parts of two of his burned fingers came off with the glove.
In the aftermath at hospital, his wife Glynnis could not bear to see how bad her husband was burned. He was on morphine and the doctor kept probing at his eye and asking if he could see "anything". The answer was no, and finally on a last try, Yeager did see a dull light and the doctor pronounced how fortunate Yeager was, as the glazed blood over his face had protected his eye, so it had not been lost.
In what is one of the most heroic of things, the pressure suit ring on his suit could not be cut, even by firefighters, so Yeager laying there in agony finally said, "I have a wire saw in my survival kit in the suit right pocket." It was only then that the ring was cut and Yeager was free to be treated.
For the next weeks, Chuck Yeager would have his scabs constantly ripped off, because if left on the scar tissue would form an unmovable skin. It was horrific pain and therapy, but he healed. Astoundingly this man would go on to not only fly again, but fly combat in Vietnam during the war.
That is one of the stories of Chuck Yeager, who began his career dragging a downed American bomber pilot over the Spanish mountains, because the pilot only had one leg, and Yeager refused to leave him in the hip deep snow. The pilot had one leg, because the Germans shot it off, and Yeager had to use his knife to cut the tendons finishing it, to save the man's life.
When I consider historical, Chuck Yeager is historical beyond skin pigment. Nothing was handed to Chuck Yeager and he was not someone who went out looking for ways to cheat death. He was just an American who was serving his country always at his best, and at times like it happens for all of us, things go wrong and we have an "Oh shit" moment.
I do not know if Chuck Yeager would appreciate the appreciation shown here, or his being an object lesson on what is historical and what is pigment. Historical though are bloody footed Americans at Valley Forge. Historical is General Custer at the Little Big Horn. Historical is Chuck Yeager.
That is the problem, because the media used to know the difference between Sgt. York and Lily Langtree. Now the the time of legacies is written, it is time to return to the legacies which are American Heroic and give the passing phrase to the legacy of skin pigment, which has almost destroyed everything the American War Heroes gave so much for.
It's the man, stupid, not the pigment.
- Lame Cherry