Saturday, January 21, 2017

The DC Twat Protest

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In observing the psychological profile of the 500,000 ugly woman body rub (they were packed tight according to Buzzfeed) as this was not a march, there was a sexual theme to these creatures.

There were a great deal of F*CK TRUMP, and demanding that the President stop Tweeting, as this was very important.

Ashley Judd was fond of a child poem about Hitler and wet dreams.

Madonna was F bombing when she was not talking about bombing the White House.

There were vagina hats in someone was making a great deal of money off of stupid women obsessed with their female pee pee spot.

From what I could discern from the pictures, there were numbers of fat to creepy white guys like Michael Moore there, whose purpose seemed to get into tight crowds to have women rub up against them, and hordes of extremely unattractive females who have not had any contact which was not electronic for their entire lives which was not butch or dyke.

Fornication of some sort was what was on all of these creature's minds, and they deemed it important enough to have creepy males rub up against them.

It all is encapsulate in the above photo of two unattractive females, holding the largest erection they could find, to make up for their penis envy, to lie to the world, that the reason males did not have erections around them or ever ask them out, was because they were powerful women. No, the correct psychological diagnosis is that even rapists, blind men, and apparently Muslims have a limit to what they will ejaculate semen into, out of natural species preservation instinct, in no primate males are naturally programmed to reproduce with mentally retarded females with no milk production, as the child would either be eaten by dingoes or starve to death sucking dry tits.
Their dreams of all of these Obama Muslim and Mexican rape cock, and they still can not get laid as the ewes are still winning out.

500,000 of these things in America, and thankfully Canada turned a host of them back at the border who were too stupid to know they needed Obama passports.

The Ugly Women Begging For Sex Of Any Kind March.

Apparently their cats all died of cherry jelly overdose.
