As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
These Drudge headlines discern the world of 1600 Penn.
Trump to Speak at NRA Forum...
Generals Given Free Rein on ISIS Fight...
When you are in trouble with your base, you visit the gun owners to remind the military that you are in charge when they are mocking you as President of the Golf Course. Mocking Ronald Reagan in 2016 and then propping up his corpse from 1983, is not a projection of strength.
More New York Valued, chew on this bone you redneck peckerwoods who are bad for the Trump brand while I dine on steak with the Trumpenfuror and Dummkopf.
Ahmadinejad sees no threat from USA...
Cannot harm powerful Iran...
So there are logistics of a major terror attack, which Iran is a part of, and does not want to be blamed as they have that Obama nuke treaty......probably be salted with Kim Jong Un fuel.
FAKEBOOK 'Authentic' Users Questioned Over Bot Purge...
Millions of USA TODAY 'likes' vanish...
The intelligence community and Mercer codex who were screwed out billions in Obama's Facebook NSA money dump, are now not going to allow Zuckerberg to money skim off of fake bot traffic to the CIA media sites.
Battle intensifies between CIA, WIKILEAKS...
As reported on the Lame Cherry but not inquired upon, logic dictates that Julian Assange will be dead or rotting in a Gitmo prison within a year.
Americans have stopped moving...
The American Dream is dead. Psychologically Americans are no longer capable of lying to themselves that go west young man will bring them prosperity. Americans have concluded there is no fleeing an Obama gulag with a Trump warden.
See the headlines are telling you exactly what is the classified information in trends and predicting what is the future that is building.
Oh and that was not a wrong headline, as the intent is to start this war, and everyone is conditioned now to World War IV beginning in no longer resisting it in their psyche.
I don't suppose the Kushner brothel figured that China would turn on them after pimping Ivanka.