As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In a press conference with the NATO leader, President Trump termed President Xi of China as a "gentleman", while referring to the Russian President, repeatedly as Putin.
Gentleman: A man of flawless, impeccable quality.
The Lame Cherry considered the Gentleman of China as defined by President Trump and did a headline search.
Either Donald Trump is ignorant of who President Xi is and what China is, or Donald Trump is now redefining a despotic, sadistic butcher as civilized.
Mr. Trump's Gentleman China threatens to vaporize Americans using nuclear war.
Chinese military threatens nuclear war against the United ...
Chinese military threatens nuclear war against the United States over Taiwan ... and China and the United States will become 'enemies. ...
Mr Trump's Gentleman China is flooding the world with murderous synthetic drugs.
UN: China synthetic drugs trade 'out of control' - News from ...
UN: China synthetic drugs trade 'out of control' China sees dramatic shift in drug use with creation of new, synthetic drugs 100 times more potent than heroin.
Mr Trump's Gentleman China is selling chemicals more toxic than chemical weapons.
China companies will sell opioid carfentanil, so deadly it's ...
China firms happy to sell killer opioid ... China's Ministry of Public ... carfentanil and substances like it were researched as chemical weapons by the U ...
Mr Trump's Gentleman China is engaged in HACKING AMERICA.
Chinese hack attacks against US companies persist despite ...
Chinese hacking attempts on American corporate intellectual property have occurred with regularity over the past three weeks, suggesting that China almost ...Chinese breach data of 4 million federal workers - The ...
China hacked into the federal ... (Alice Li/The Washington Post) ... the United States announced the indictments of five Chinese military officials for ...https://washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/chinese-hac
Mr Trump's Gentleman China is assisting North Korea's nuclear holocaust.
China Makes It Hard to Stop North Korea's Nuclear Program
Why China Is the Biggest Deterrent to Stopping North Korea's ... the country or sales of ... China's geopolitical position. North Korea may not ...
Mr Trump's Gentleman China occupies the innocents of Tibet.
China's Abuse of Human Rights in Tibet is Getting Worse
China's Abuse of Human Rights in Tibet is Getting Worse Friday, ... during the 2008 Tibet protests, China failed the test. Protest demonstrations were attacked, ...
Mr Trump's Gentleman China is now breeding new children to occupy Russia, Australia and the United States, once the Caucasians are all dead from China Wars started by the Trumpenfuror.
China Ends One-Child Policy, Allowing Families Two Children
The Chinese government eased its one-child policy in 2013, but the state news media reported on Thursday that Beijing was abandoning the policy completely.https://nytimes.com/2015/10/30/world/asia/china-end-one-child.
Mr Trump's Gentleman China violates the Monroe Doctrine and supports one of the most destructive regimes in Venezuela all for oil
China's Bailing Out Venezuela's Corrupt Regime. That's Got to ...
- China is Venezuela's second largest oil consumer, and so far has loaned Venezuela some $60 billion, $20 billion of which Venezuela has yet to repay.
Mr Trump's Gentleman China supports President Assad in Syria, but President Vladimir Putin is evil for this support.
China preparing to 'team up with Russia in Syria': Boost for ...
CHINA could be on the verge of teaming up with Russia to unleash its military might in Syria and destroy Islamic State (ISIS).
Mr Trump's Gentleman China has its military inside Syria, along with advisers, but China is supposedly not aware of chemical bombs, but Russia is supposed to be loading the bombs and blamed according to President Trump.
BREAKING: China Sends Warships & 1000 Marines to Syria ...
BREAKING: China Sends Warships & 1000 Marines to Syria, Accuses the U.S. of lying About Syria And Ignoring International Laws. Russia Sends another ...investmentwatchblog.com/china-accuses-the-u-s-of-lying-about
Mr Trump's Gentleman China threatens President Donald Trump.
China threatens to 'take off the gloves' over Trump Taiwan ...
China threatened to "take off the gloves" if President-elect Donald Trump keeps needling Beijing, the country's state-run media reported Monday.
Mr Trump's Gentleman China bulldozes Churches, smashes crosses and beats and imprisons Christians.
China's Crackdown on Christian Churches - The Daily Beast
China's Crackdown on Christian Churches. ... bulldozed churches and torn down crosses ... fabric of China even though the churches seem ...thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/05/08/china-s-crackdown-on-.
Mr Trump's Gentleman China is a Planned Parenthood extravaganza of human butchery in selling people and human body parts.
China's $1bn illegal organ trafficking trade exposed in Human ...
A Human Harvest: China's organ trafficking exposed in shocking documentary that alleges the illegal trade is now worth a staggering US$1 billion a yeardailymail.co.uk/news/article-3027088/A-Human-Harvest-Chin..
Mr Trump's Gentleman China purchased his pimped out daughter of Ivanka Kushner for 400 million dollars for influence with President Trump.
Kushners Set to Get $400 Million From Chinese Firm on Tower
... stands to receive more than $400 million from a ... Kushner Family to Get $400 Million ... of a $250 million loan which will ...
Mr Trump's Gentleman China is a global terror state assaulting all nations in the world who speak out against Chincom terrorism.
China goes global in its pursuit of critics - CNN.com
For critics of China and their families, fears that nowhere is safe as Beijing targets dissidents beyond its borders.
Mr Trump's Gentleman China........well US Policy understood China was a threat, but now Mr. Trump has a Gentleman China, which is nothing but a butcher to Asia and the world.
U.S. Policy Shifts From Détente to Deterrence in the South ...
U.S. Policy Shifts From Détente to ... China claims dominion over nearly all of the South China Sea. The Philippines, Vietnam, ... it intimidates and bullies ...
The Lame Cherry concludes that President Donald Trump is either ignorant or 400 million dollars for Ivanka purchases a great deal of influence with Donald Trump.
.........and we know that President Trump always appreciates constructive criticism of his personal actions and his policies, so all of this exposure is something Donald Trump accepts when he is WRONG.
Nuff Said