Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Americans Great and Canuck

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Thee Americans on both sides of the Canadian border have lost sight of what their peoples worked, fought, sweated and died for, and have allowed themselves to be called racists  in wanting  to protect the lives they have built.
This has been enforced by careful propaganda and by snowflakes who think America just appeared with cell phones and air conditioning.

I remember the stories I heard concerning my Great Grandfather in coming to America. He worked 3 years at a dollar a day to get enough money to come to America at a brick factory.
When he arrived in America, he was terrified at night in braying mules, as he though they were Indians.
His son, my Grandfather often told me as a child wonderful stories of coyotes following him in the plough row looking for mice he was ploughing up, and my Mom often told me of her childhood when they would return home to find Indians in their kitchen making themselves at home.

The details of America are lost in everything the legal immigrants dealt with. The following is from the German Ukrainians of Saskatchewan Canada in what coming to America and Canada was in the wilderness to make a farm on a homestead.

All the land was sectioned off in 1 square mile parcels, and each male over 18 years of age or female would receive 160 acres in Canada if they lived on the land 3 years, built a home, produced a crop in proving they were farming it and built a house on it.
In America it was 7 years for 160 acres, with a house built on it, and crops harvested.

There were not roads. There were not neighbors. Only remote groups of people who immigrated from the same villages in Europe and formed the same Church communities. Catholics to Catholics, Lutherans to Lutherans, Methodists to Methodists, Orthodox to Orthodox.
All helped each other, but marriage was the same religion as were interactions, as schools were one room shacks within walking distance of the homesteads. Some of these schools survived to the late 1970's in remote locations.

Here is a recollection of a German Ukrainian, from Crimea, as he was dumped out on the prairie, and there were few trees for shelter, tar paper cost money, so sod often was the choice as it was free.
The problem with sod was as much as buda or dug out, was dirt, bugs, rodents and snakes, along with the dampness. The homesteader could use the earth as shelter, but had to plaster the interior to hold out the moisture, the dirt and the creatures great and small.

"but a second problem arose. At night, snakes would crawl of the top of the buda, and would warm themselves around the hole of the fire. They would stretch out their heads and occasionally some would fall into the fireplace, from where they would quickly wiggle to the side. Sometimes these fiends would crawl up on my head or under my arm while I was sleeping. This was not so terrible as far as I was concerned. My wife and children meanwhile were staying with a farmer. Every few days, my wife sent the children to bring me food. The poor things had to walk eleven miles. Sometimes they would not arrive until late, even though they had left early in the morning. They had to stay with me overnight. But at night they could not sleep and did not allow me to sleep, fearing the snakes so much."

Considering what Americans on both sides of this border overcame for several generations, including Indians, disease and chance death, it is infuriating to see these "immigrants" handed out money from Citizen's taxes, and violating every civility in acting like they own the country, and have not suffered one iota for the roof over their heads.

This is a reminder that the peoples of 1700 America, 1800 America and to 1900 America, did not arrive with silver spoons and could not afford them, as luxury was a plough, a gun, a tin plate and a match to light a fire...........from trees which were a real luxury, and food often was the bear the Mrs. beat to death with a shovel when it walked into the dug out, as that happened with settlers often enough, like snakes snuggled up to their armpits and heads for warmth in the cold night.

Nuff Said
