Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Political war of 1863 AD in the year of our Lord

President Jefferson Davis

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The world of history owes Lt. General James Longstreet a debt for his revelations of the Civil War in America, for while the racist propaganda of Ken Burns in his series enforces the lies of the Lost Cause and history has been censored of the reality of the reasons actions were engaged in, in Confederate America, General Longstreet provides not only sound military insights to the Civil War years, but most importantly how this quasi world of American Dictators led by Abraham Lincoln skewed every military decision as a political one.

The following historical account before the Battle of Sharpsburg or Antietam reveals how precarious the Union was in collapse and how close the South came to victory in 1863  AD in the year of our Lord. To set the stage in this, the Union had just been routed at Bull Run II. The Army of the Potomac had limped back to Washington City. Lincoln was bankrupting America with his war and General McClellan was being ushered out of the military command.

That is when General Lee surprised Lincoln and McClellan and invaded the North into Maryland. Maryland was friendly to the South, because Abraham Lincoln was abusing Americans there in having invaded Maryland, thrown out the elected Government, and seized power in Vichy Maryland.

McClellan raced from Washington before Lincoln could appoint another Supreme Commander, as this invasion was McClellan's salvation for being defeated in two years of war.

The reality is, the South needed rest after hard years of war, and all the Confederates should have done is regained strength, maneuvered the Union to morale deflating engagements, and once the situation in the North forced McClellan, by Lincoln, to fight, the South could choose her grounds fully refreshed and crush the Army of the Potomac.

There was haste though in pushing Lee by the Political South, as General Lee and President Davis were coordinating. They saw their opportunity to seize victory, as Jefferson Davis was on scene, awaiting for the battle to come, whereby the South would have to be recognized as a legitimate sovereign confederation, and Abraham Lincoln would be then either impeached in 1864 or voted out of office for his war against Americans.

A Southern victory would have swelled the Southern ranks while the North would have been overwhelmed by deserters.

In the confusion about Washington incident to the
Bull Run campaign. General McClellan was ordered to
receive the retreating columns and post them to defend
and hold their fortified lines.
He had not emerged from
the clouds that hung about his untoward campaign in
Virginia, but, familiar with the provisions that had been
made for defence, he was most available for the service.
He had hardly posted the troops and arranged the gar-
rison when he found that the Confederates, instead of
moving against his fortifications, had turned the head of
their columns north, and were marching to invade Union 

territory. He was quick to discover his opportunity, and,
after posting guards for the works about the capital, as-
sumed command of the army and took the field,
another commander should be assigned. His clouded
fame and assumption of authority committed him to early
aggressive work. He had nothing to lose, but the world
to gain, and that upon the field of battle.

All that the Confederates had to do was to hold the
army in hand and draw the enemy to a field wide enough
for manoeuvre ; then call him to his battle.
It is possible
that ragged affairs about the mountain passes might have
given him safe retreat to his capital, leaving the army of
the South afield, a free lance.

It had been arranged that the Southern President
should join the troops, and from the head of his victo-
rious army call for recognition.
Maryland would have
put out some of her resources, and her gallant youth
would have helped swell the Southern ranks, — the twenty
thousand soldiers who had dropped from the Confederate
ranks during the severe marches of the summer would
have been with us. Volunteers from all parts of the
South would have come, swimming the Potomac to find
their President and his field-marshal, while Union troops
would have been called from Kentucky and Tennes-
see, and would have left easy march for the Confederate
armies of the West to the Ohio Piver.

Even though the Confederates were not successful,
the fall elections were against the Federal adminis-
tration. With the Southern armies victorious, the re-
sults of the contest at the polls would have been so
pronounced as to have called for recognition of the

General McClellan wrote General Halleck of the effect,
in case of defeat of his army, —

''But if we should be so unfortunate as to meet with defeat,
our country is at their mercy."

General McClellan well knew the dire straights the remaining United States were in. The South in victory would have Congress in Washington City force Mr. Lincoln out. Even in defeat the South would still control the political will.

The tragedy which took place though was General Lee intended to target Harper's Ferry which he carried, but it cost time and resources. McClellan progressed on another front at Sharpseburg and battle was brought at Antietam Creek. There General Stonewall Jackson did not aid General Longstreet in a most bloody contest, where the North did not win, but Abraham Lincoln seized the opportunity to release his Nigger Terrorism on the South in the Emancipation Proclamation as Lincoln had been too weak to release the political statement before this faux victory. The North was too weak to not make this gambit as Lincoln could not beat the South, so he had to terrorize it by confiscation of property in the slaves from the South.

Without that decisive victory which should have come later than sooner for the South, there could be no appeal from President Jefferson Davis to have the confederacy recognized.

That is what the political war was in 1863 AD in the year of our Lord. President Jefferson Davis prodding a willing General Lee to a fight for a quick victory when the South should have rested, built her defense and then lured McClellan into combat for recognition of the Confederate States. On the North, the dictator Abraham Lincoln seized the opportunity to unleash terrorism throughout the South in using Blacks as weapon against Whites. Lincoln unleashed civil war which is still being waged in exploiting the Black in America to the Obama 21st century.

These are the revelations lost to the modern mind by censorship and propaganda, excusing racism and exploiting the Black for political gain. It is the reason though the events took place as they did. Nothing was military in the least at Sharpseburg. It was all political, and that is why it was a military disaster for both sides and for America to this day.

Nuff Said
