Friday, September 15, 2017

A Vision of Light


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wanted to share something that John sent the other day and I finally got into email to read it and it was fascinating in the beauty of experiences like this. The letter is self explanatory and I did inquire as to what was happening in this event.

I would like to share something that happened ,yesterday afternoon.

I was working and kept seeing movement out of the corner of my eye, but couldn't locate anything.
 Was become irritating because I know something moved but could not find it. ( bird, squirrel etc...)

I decided to fix my gaze on one object, then at about ten degrees off center there it was. If I moved my eyes to look straight at it, it would disappear. Hold my gaze on a fixed object and boom, there it is ................... WTF

So , I play this game for awhile wondering what the hell is going on.

It's maybe 20 feet away, hovering, floating..... it appeared to look like a saw blade, the circular kind like on a radial arm saw.    I guess about 2 to 3 feet in diameter.
It is multi colored but at the same time transparent and radiating, spinning counter clockwise.

I think , maybe my eyes are playing tricks with me, its smokey as hell here (montana), I'm wearing a respirator, sunglasses maybe they have something to do with it.

 I kept my eyes fixed and it moving towards me. I don't want to move as I know it'll disappear again.

It keeps approaching slowly, now it is was 2 feet away. I'm not scared just curious. I reach out to touch it, eyes still fixed ahead. I know my hand went into it or thru it. 

Didn't notice any change of feelings and no words of wisdom popped into my mind.

Then it just went away..............

Now, I'm left wondering did something just happened that I should be aware of or did I just blow off a most astounding experience.

Now for some background in my own experiences. I was smiling because I did the same thing John did when I saw this grand light, overshadowing, like a fuzzy haze. I have seen this 4 times and I thought I was having a brain tumor or my eyes were going bad.
The first time was on a walk, the second time was north of Mom's place, the third time was in our yard, and the fourth time was south of of Mom's place.
The last time I called her outside to see if she saw it, and she did. I am not fond of that light as it seemed like bad things happened or big events took place when it appeared. On inquiry it was Michael the Archangel. As Joan of Arc had the same visitor I believe, it is apparently part of his mission.

I have seen dark fuzzy objects of bad thoughts, demons like on Ghost, and I also often enough spot a very bright light out of the corner of my eye, usually above.
TL sees all sorts of different colored lights, different colors mean different intensity or emotion or standing.

Who John saw was a Holy Angel. I found his description pleasing as it reminded me of the Companion in the Star Trek episode of the guy marooned on the planet.
Inquiry indicates that John wanted to see something, and God sent a Holy Angel for John to see, who was patient and definitely meant to interact with him.

I do not know of there are different levels of ability in Spirit, but I assume there are, as I once heard the Holy Ghost and Joan discussing me, and discerned  they felt surprised I could hear. The Holy Ghost wiped the conversation and I can not remember it at all which is frustrating in He always helps me remember.
I had a Holy Angel bumping my bed a number of years ago. It was odd and as they became aware I could feel things, it ceased.

Everyone has to have care that some false light does not show up as Coast to Coast is full of false teachers telling you stuff that is contrary to the Bible. I share this though as God does reveal Himself and one reason people do not see Elijah or Elisha visions is you are supposed to believe in Faith, and not have a sideshow.....also you know the disciples took Jesus for granted in the miracles in were not impressed any more.

That though is a pleasant thing in all of the neo propaganda today in the Mockingbird of Mr. President doing things to displease the base, and the intelligence community exploiting it to splinter the GOP Conservatives is just one more thing that none of us need.
God though is always with us, and we have a real Leader in Christ Who is not going to breaking promises of needs to be sly to sell his brand.

With that, I will close this pleasant interlude.
