Friday, September 15, 2017

World War Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just so you are aware of the Trump Junta's war plans, and no it is not North Korea, because they are too pussy to do anything there and China is not going to make a move until the US degraded and occupied in other points, here are your two new wars.

Trump War  1

VZ Stops Accepting Dollars For Oil Payments

That would be Venezuela. Every time some Saddam Hussein or Khadaffi try to get off the Rothschild debt dollar, they send in the US to clobber that nation. This is an issue now as China has Venezuelan oil interests and Venezuela has more high sulfur oil than all the Mideast. Herbert McMaster killed off all the Patriots in setting them up, so without Venezuelans to own the oil,  it will be time to blow up Venezuela and put it into the hands of some puppet who will gladly gouge Americans as you thought oil went high  on the fraud of hurricane Harvey and Irma, just wait as Mr. President has sold the strategic American reserves, and a Venezuelan  oil war is initiated.
Make all that American gas and oil really expensive for profits, while you sell your testicles and ovaries for a gallon of the stuff.

How did Saddam Hussein managed to drop US dollar in 2000?

Its a speculation or in other words another school of thought that the US dollar dropped because of Saddam Hussein. Just before 2000, in 1999 Euro was introd...

Gadhafi's Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar

And it literally had the potential to bring down the dollar and the world monetary ... in removing Gaddafi in particular and those who might have been ...

Trump War 2

Iraqi Kurds: U.S. Cannot Stop Independence Vote

Jared Kushner's best bed pal, Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday recognized the Kurds as a nation, which will allow them to seize part of Iraq, and be a base to seize parts of Turkey and Iran, which is what is intended in this Trump Jew warfare, like Gulf War I and II, and Afnamistan. More US involvement in the anaconda of Russia.

Logic dictates there will be some engineered trigger, a Maine, Pearl Harbor, a Gulf of Tonkin, a 9 11 to provide the primer again for this neo sojourn. It should appear soon by the cartel as Mr. High Rise has opened the oil and gas exports, so he needs something to profit by as all Mr. President has is the same debtor economy FDR set up.
History will repeat itself with a spectacular reason for war, after a pithy reason for that war.

All the pieces are now in place for the Grande Game, as the theaters for action have been prepared and the great cloud curtain only needs arise.

Forget your pussy grab wars of Ukraine and North Korea. The real platforms are already cast and opening night is on the books.

BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Afghanistan: the pipeline war?

BBC Eurasia analyst Malcolm Haslett dismisses theories that the West has gone to war over oil and gas pipelines. ... to Afghanistan, and a new pipeline to ...

Kosovo: A matter of Western oil interests, not democracy ...

Kosovo: A matter of Western oil interests, ... Serbian and Russian political officials have said Kosovo's ... The $1.1 billion AMBO pipeline will take oil ...

........and all of you turnips thought this was all about patriotism, Hillary Clinton vaginal leadership, Obama supremacy, but it is the same history and now Mr. High Rise is being guided into the same worn path of the Grande Game.

The strategy for profit in Rockefeller British Petroleum.

The Most Bullish Oil Report This Year


The strategy for profit on both sides in true Mama Rothschild commerce policy.
Nuff Said

Russia and ExxonMobil sign amicable agreement

....and you thought it was all about diplomatic wars.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

.........but you keep watching the girl.
